Store and Woods

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I put Monsters leash and toy in her bag. I leave a note for Jake where Jared wouldn't look. Then I leave one for Jared. I tell Fence, Chill, and Razor to be good and I'd be back later and walk out of my bedroom down stairs.

"Ready Aly?" Sam says.

"Yeah." I say and follow her outside Monster in the lead. We jump in the car. Well hummer. "Wow. Nice car."

"Thanks." Sam smiles. "So, where do you want to go? Areopostale, American Eagle, Hollister, or Debbs."

"What about target?" I ask.

"Sweetie. You are living with millionaires. You aren't going to shop there for clothes. Maybe school supplies or backpacks. Oh yes I forgot to tell you, you will not be attending school. We have a tutor, for you." She says.

"Oh wow ok." I fix my backpack.

      We pull into the mall, and walk into Macy's.

"Hello my name is Jenny. How may I help you?" Jenny says.

"Hello Jenny. We are shopping for clothes. We don't know what size she is, and we don't have all day!" Sam says.

"Ok I'll measure her. Are we getting shoes too. What about track suits? Bikini?" she says as she measures me.

"Yes Jenny we need everything! Bras underwear. Everything!" Sam exclaims.

"Ok well in the kids she would be a large. In women's a small." Jenny says. "Lets get started!"


We walk to the underwear section. I try on a few and find one I really like and we get a couple of them. I try on a few bras and find out that I'm bigger then I thought! We get a couple bras too. Then we get some jeans, of all types skinny, flair, and one that fits my small but growing curves. Then a zillion tops, 20 tank tops, 3 bikinis, a couple belts, another backpack purse (it's black) , and a couple pairs of shoes.

"Well that's all. Lets check out then go to the phone store. You need the newest iPhone. And a couple of cases." Sam says and walks up to the counter and someone stops us.

"No dogs allowed." He says.

"I am a spy. I have permission to take Monster with us." Sam says and shows him the badge. He nods and walks away. We get to the check out and get everything in the car. Monster has to sit in my lap. While she's sitting and Sam is talking about phone cases and the dogs room, I put Monsters leash on. We arrive at the Apple store and walk in.

"No dogs allowed!" someone says. Sam does the same thing she did at Macy's.

"Hello! I need the newest iPhone you got. And a couple of cases. " Sam says. The guy looks from Sam to Monster to me then finally nods and walks off. He comes back a couple minutes later and sets down the newest iPhone.

"Black or white?" he asks.

"White." Sam and I say in unison. We both laugh. The guy disappears again and comes back with the coolest cases.

"The one zebra one is shock proof. You drop nothing breaks. The others are shock proof they just have different designs." He says.

"We will take them all. And then an IPad. and a couple IPad cases." Sam says. Wow she's going all out.

"Ok." the guy says and disappears. He comes back with an IPad and a couple cases. "all shock proof. This one is water proof. The others just have different texture or design."

"We want them all. That's it." Sam says and smiles. Monster starts to growl.

"Monster shush! Thanks Sam." I say politely and hug her then turn my attention back to what monster is growling about.

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