Home Sweet, Tree House?

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Alys pov

The workers finished before we got there, so we had to finish the rest of it. Easier for us.

"Sam I'm going to put the paint that goes to my room and set that up, then I'm going to look at the rest of the  house." I say and she nods I walk off with Smile and tell monster to stay with Sam. Smile and me walk to my bedroom on the farther side of the tree house. Towards the back door and hallway. There's only 3 bedrooms on this level. I go to the last room and look out the window at the end. Its so peaceful so...beautiful. I look at the door it says my name in it. I smile. I try to open it. What the? It won't open. I go back to the living room and walk to the front room and fix the rug.

"MY BEDROOM DOOR WON'T OPEN!" I shout at Jake and Jared. I see them chuckle. Gr.

"OK OK WERE COMMING!" Jared shouts. Jake asks something and Jared nods at him. He smiles an  sprints to me.

"Already Mrs.Weak what door?" I glare at him. "I'm jokin' babe. But really where is it. Plus I haven't seen the house." He wanders off and says a lot of "cools" and "wows" and some "how did they make this so fast?" I chuckle.

"Come on! I want to see my room!" I pull at his hoodie sleeve.

"Ok!Ok! Where?" I walk along pulling him, he's still looking around taking in the scene. I point to the door. He chuckles and kisses my forehead.

"No pouting." He says and chuckles. He tries to open the door. He gives a puzzled look. He tries again, then he yanks harder, and harder and harder. "WHY WON'T IT OPEN!" He shouts. I chuckle. He pushes and the door opens.

"OH MY GOD! THEY ARE PUSH DOORS NOT PULL! DAD THANKS FOR TELLING ME THAT!" I shout. I walk into my room. Its big, but not too big. But also small but not to small Goldie locks would say "Just right." There's a small closet, I has some clothes in it. There's a glass door that opens up to a somewhat big balcony. I walk out, breathtaking view.

"Whoah." I gasp.

"Yeah I'd say that's about right. Its so close to our house too. If you run about 20, walk about 40. After they leave I'm going to set up a buzzersystem. When you push the button you talk, if you're in trouble or need company just do that and one of the pastas will come and help or give you company. I got an excuse to get a phone too!" jake says and shows me his new iPhone. I roll my eyes.

"LETS PAINT!" I say excitedly. He grabs a brush and begins to paint the walls a light indigo color. We finish in a couple hours.

"Wow looks good. Let's do the ceiling." Jake says and I nod. The door to go to my balcony opens and Slendy, Jack, Sally, and Ben are there.

"ALY!" Sally shouts and runs over to me.

"SHUSH! Jared and Sam are here!" We all say. Sally nods.

"If you guys are going to be here help us paint. Especially you slendy." Jake says. Jack, Ben and Slendy begin to paint.

"Daddy can I paint?" Sally asks slendy.

"Ok child. Just be careful and don't mess up to bad. They did a good job." Slendy says. Sally nods an helps paint. We have the ceiling done in an hour.

"Wow thanks everyone." I say. They smile and hug me, tell me good luck and if I needed anything they were going to leave something for me to find there house. I nod and that m them again.

"Ok all we have to do now it put the glowing stars up." I say and open the package.

"Wait, do they really glow and look like stars at night?" Jake asks. I nod. He smiles and helps me put them up. We finish that quickly. We walk downstairs with the left over paint and help Sam and Jared paint the living room and kitchen.

"Aly try the surround sound out." Jared says. I nod and turn on my music. Its all heavy metal with pop and country here and there. The first song that comes on is 'There ain't no rest for the wicked by Cage Of The Elephant' it sounds awesome. Everyone starts to sing along to the song. Taking turns with singing them.

Me: I was walkin' down the street when out the corner of my eye.

Jared and Jake: I saw this pretty little thing approaching me.

Me and Sam: She said I never seen a man who looks so all along oh could you use a little company?

Jared and Jake: And if you pay the right price your evening will be nice you can go on and send me on my way!

And we went and did the whole song singing and laughing.

"Wow Aly we should get you dining lessons you're good!" Jared says. Sam and Jake nod. I giggle.

Its midnight now and we finished painting the tree house. Then tomorrow we do another coat. Then Saturday we can get the kitchen and dinning room, Sunday we should finish, furniture wise. Monday I can then put some clothes and other things I need in the house and what I don't have we can buy. So by Wensday I should be in my........."house" and Thursday is my first choir lesson. Perfect!

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