Safe! Or Am I?

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Jakes P.O.V after aly isn't seen that night-

I looked everywhere she isn't to be seen. The pups are fine, smile still hates the one runt though.

"I CANT FIND HER!" I scream as I kick a tree. She wouldn't leave without telling me. I run home. "SHES NO WHERE!" I shout.

"Calm it down Jake. Sally is asleep." Slendy says. "She might be in the city or. . ." He stops.

"Or what!" I say impatiently.

"Tommy." He says and I freeze.

"Oh no! Where is his hideout?" I ask.

"It's. . . It's unknown. No one has been able to find him. He could be in a different realm for all we know!" I curse under my breathe. I couldn't protect her. I failed.

"Hey what going on? Where's aly haven't seen her in a while?" Jeff says. Ben, Ej, Dr.Smile, and everyone else in the damn house comes down, well except Sally.

"We don't know Jeff. But we do think Tommy has her." Slendy replies for me. Everyone freezes.

"But how?" Ben asks.

"She went out to put targets for practice and he must have grabbed her." I say. I shake my head and run a hand through my hair.

"Well lets go find her. I bet slendy knows where his hid out is." E.J says. How is he so calm all the time!!

"No one knows, he could be in a different universe for all we know!" I shout. Jeff looks around the stairs and Sally walks down sleepily. Jeff picks her up.

"Sally ,child, why are you not in bed?" Slendy asks.

"I wanted to know where aly was. She promised she would play with me after she set up her targets." Sally says and snuggles up to Jeff. He pulls her closer.

"Alright." Slendy says.

"Why can't we just take everyone and do a search party? If we find her we grab her but if she's with tommy we find the others and take note of the hiding spot. Ben can hack the computers to see if he can see her. Ej can look through houses. I can look through tunnels. And everyone else looks at stores and houses. And woods." Jeff says.

"Yeah I guess we should." I say.

"Sally you must stay here. Someone has to look after her too." Slendy says.

"I will the rest of you can look for her." Jane says. Jeff hands Sally to Jane and Jane disappears with sally.

"Lets go." I say. We grab what we need and take off. We all go into the city. Ben finds a power line and enters it. Jeff opens a tunnel under ground and disappears. Ej is looking at stores. Slendy is looking through the woods. Dr.Smile is looking at houses. And I go into another continent. Russia. There's a lot of woods where someone can have a house and no one will know about it.

Alys p.o.v

I go to sleep then wake up the next day. (It's this day that jake goes looking for her around the world yesterday they looked through woods!) I take a shower and get changed, I eat then get back to work.

About 4 hours later, while I'm looking up someone the screen starts going funky.

"What the?" I say quietly. Then the screen goes black. A little bit later Ben appears. I gasp. "Ben!" I whisper shout.

"Aly! Where are you? Jakes worried sick!" He says.

"I don't know! Tommy took me and now I have to work for him! Please find out soon!"

"Ok I'll hack you're computer and find you're address. Then we will find you."

"Promise me you will." I say.

"I promise. Stay safe." He disappears and a ton of things pop up on my screen then Ben shows up again. "You're in Russia. I have where you are. Jakes in Russia we are going to get the gang and plan something then we will get you. It will take a day or two though." He says and I nod then he leaves.

I go back to my work then go downstairs and put the files I finishes in the basket. Tommy is watching tv. I go back upstairs and draw. Then write. Then tommy comes in.

"Hello aly."

"Hi tommy." I say nervously.

"Thank you for doing those profiles that should help me a lot." He says and leans on the door frame.

"You're welcome." I shift uncomfortably.

"I'm going to be gone the whole night, do what you want. Don't try to leave I'll find you." He says and leaves. Then comes back and throws something on the couch. "I knew you liked music, so there's something for that and headphones are in you're desk." Then he leaves. A couple minutes later I hear the door open and close.

I stare at the door. Then get up and get what he threw. It's an iPod. But when I try to do something on the Internet that doesn't have to deal with kids or music it gets me off the Internet. I try to FaceTime, it logs me off of that too. Great. I download a lot of songs and put the black beats headphones in. I listen to music for a while. Then nighttime sets in. I watch the sun go down. An hour later I'm hungry, I go downstairs and make a sandwich and eat it quickly then go upstairs and draw.

At about midnight something hits my window making me jump. Then something hits it again. I walk slowly to the window and look out. Seed eater. I gasp and back up hitting the wall on the other side of my room. Seed eater goes up to my window and tries to open it. It's a window you can't open or break. He tries and tries then shrieks. My room door bursts open. JAKE! I run up to him and cry in his arms.

"It's ok. It's ok. I'm here." Slendy appears and looks around.

"Nice room." He says. Then everything in the room disappears, slendy took everything. Like EVERYTHING. Everything goes black. When I open my eyes I'm in jakes arms in my room.

"Slendy made another room for you next door. With everything that was in the old room." Jake says and I nod. Everyone bursts into the room and we do a group hug.

"Ew Jeff! What did you do? Roll in cow crap all week!?" I shout and cover my nose.

"I was in the sewers seeing if he kept you in them, thank you very much." He says. "I'm gonna go take a shower!" He runs off. Everyone fades out. But jake. He takes my Hand and we walk next door to my lime green room and I grab the bags I got and walk back to my zebra room. I put the bags away and lay in bed. Jake has a protective arm around my waist. And to make sure I'm always near the pastas no matter what, slendy put my tree house on top of the mansion. Life is starting to look up. And slendy said he's going to make a bow range for me that's an acre big with woods. Life is amazing.


Little did I know, that jared and Sam worked for tommy. And while I'm sleeping. They are hunting for me. The longer they don't find me, the more mad tommy gets. And with the times they get closer to me my seconds of my living are ticking by. Tommy is getting madder and madder. But I don't know that.

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