The Dream

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"Im immortal silly." I nuzzle her. "Cross my heart and hope to die. Now go to sleep. I'll be right here." I jump onto the bed and she wraps her arms around me, I go closer. I feel her smile against my fur, then she falls asleep.


Alys POV:

'I keep repeating the same thing! Over and over! What's going on?'. I look around and I'm in a wear place.

It looks like one of those insane asylums! Why would I be here!?

I start walking down the hallway. What the! I can't seem to reach the end! There's door lining the hallway with folders next to them. Must be the patients! I take a folder and look at the quick summary of this girl.

Name: Kat Hangman

Age: 12 years old

Reason: keeps saying someone's out to get her and suisidal

Kat! I know her! We used to be friends when we were really little! Then she moved to Texas! I never saw her again, we lost touch too! How is she back in michigan?! And in an asylum! I walk in.

There's no one in here. 'Weird', I think to myself and walk out. I put the folder back. I move to the next room. It's a guy.

Name: Coden GreenWood

Age: 14

Reason: tried to kill someone

'Sweet! He would be a good creepypasta!' I walk in with that thought. The guy is sitting there. Just looking out a window.

"H-hello?" I say. He spins around quickly. Holy crap! He's really cute!

"Hi." He answers.

"I'm aly."


"That's a cool name." I blush and turn my head.

"You're too."

"Do. . . Do you. . .w-want to come. . . With me?" He looks shocked when I say this.

"Come. . . Yes!" He runs up to me and hugs me, really right.

"Can't. . . Breathe!" He lets go and holds me up. I gasp for air.

"Thank you!"

"It's ok! I'm a killer too. . . I. . . You're profile said you tried to kill someone. I was wondering if you wanted to live with us." I look at his eyes. Bright blue, and wild. Filled with excitement. Codens hair is black and some what long. He's really big. Like strong! And he's tall around 6 foot.

"You are? Who's you're family? Lets go!" I walk out of the room. I hand him my spare knife that was in my skull backpack purse. I grab his folder and put it in my bag.

We start to run. But the hallways seem never ending. I turn around. Jeff?!

"Jeff?!" I shout. He turns around.

"Aly?" We start running towards each other.

"ALY NO! TURN AROUND AND RUN! DONT COME THIS WAY!" He shouts at me. I keep running. I see a bloody knife. And a trail of blood. I slip past him to see who he killed. I see the body and fall to my knees.

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