The Change

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Jeff's POV!

I get home from a good killing. Stupid couples on the Eiffel Tower! Never saw it comming! I open the door to the mansion and walk in. I decide to take a shower before I bug anyone, or get something to eat.

I pass Alys room on the way to my room. I don't pay attention enough to notice she's mumbling and in pain. I walk into my room and strip and take a quick shower.

-quick time lapse!-

I get out of the shower and dry off. I put boxers on, then loose basketball shorts on. I put a loose black shirt on. I dry my hair again and walk out to get something to eat.

I walk past Alys room and hear mumbling and crying. I give a puzzled look and walk in. Alys lying on the bed her face twisted in pain, and she's crying. Chill is panicking trying to wake her up.

"SLENDY!!" I shout. I run to Alys side. "ALY! AL WAKE UP!" I shout at her. She doesn't respond. WHAT THE HELL! Slendy appears.

"Yes?" He sees aly and disappears! BASTARD! WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE! He appears with a box. He wraps something around her arm. He gives her a shot and her eyes shoot open.

"OUCH!" She yelps. Chill nuzzles her. Aly starts to cry. I hug her.

"Sh. It's ok. You're ok." I say to her and rock her back and forth. She slowly falls asleep, but she's got a good grip on me, like I'm gonna dissolve in air.

"What happened Jeff?" Slendy asks cleaning up.

"I took a shower, then got hungery. So I walked by her room and heard her crying and mumbling. I yelled for you and yeah. What was going on?" I reply.

"She's turning into a pasta. She went into death lake. The one behind the house that instantly turns you into a pasta. She didn't know that though. And after what happened to Kat I thought it got fixed. So now her and the dogs are pastas. They just haven't developed a story." He sighs.

"Oh. Wow, how we gonna tell her? Or Jake? She needs training and all- well a lot!"

"No one will tell her. You shall not tell her either. Or anyone. She needs to come to one of us, and ask what's wrong with her. She will discover her "powers" so say. And now Chill needs a mate I was going to find her one today, but I couldn't find one that would like her and I could easily change into a pasta. I was also going to make the pups and everything into pastas-now I don't have too. She will be sick for a while, make sure no one tells her what is happening to her. I'll send Jake on another "tour" for another week or tour. Then by that time she will be fine and should be told and developed."

"Ok, thanks slendy." I say.

"No problem Jeff, smile must help the dogs overcome this though. You must help aly, so will I. We can do this though." He disappears. I look down at Aly.

"I'm just happy I found you in time."I whisper to aly.

Alys p.o.v

I can hear them,talking, but I can't wake up or move. FUCKING MOVE BODY! I shout in my head. GAH! I still can't move. I want to shout to them that I'm awake just can't move!

"She's turning into a pasta." Is all I need to hear before I don't want to wake up. No! I can't be! But but but!! The dogs are to then! I need answers. But I still can't move. FUCK! Pain shoots up from my hip to my shoulder. I want to shout help, but my mouth doesn't want to work. I give up and drift off into a dreamless sleep.

Slendys p.o.v

I teleport to my room after I tell Jeff what happened. Damn! I thought I fixed that stupid lake! Now she's gonna turn into a monster! Smile must help the dogs, they will need bigger meals. Alys going to need shots every hour, bigger meals, and rest to coop with this. . . Transfer.

Sally comes in.

"Daddy what's wrong with aly?" She asks sleepily and almost falls over, I quickly jump and steady her.

"She's changing to a pasta. Don't tell anyone. I will explain more tomorrow. She needs clothes, can u give Trendorman and Splendorman a call?" I ask her. Then realize it's pry midnight. "Tomorrow can you do those for me child?"

"Yeah daddy." She says before she puts her head on my shoulder and drifts to sleep. I rock her in my arms, I sigh and walk up the stairs to her room. I lay her on the bed and tuck her in, then put Charlie with her. I walk back to my room and check on Jeff and aly. They are asleep.

I make it to my room. I give the rake a call. I sigh at my choice.

"Hello?" The Rake answers.

"Hello rake, I'm sorry to interrupt you. But I need a favor." I should have asked jane or Nina maybe clockwork! But no I choose the biggest fuck up in the world. I'm a horrible father.

"Depends on the problem." He states.

"Aly? The new one? She went into death lake, after what happened to Kat I thought I fixed it. Apparently the lake denied that. She's shifting to a pasta. I don't want Jake to panic over this. I need you or you're proxies to distract him."

"Alright. I'll send the girls over." We hang up. I think the girls will do nice. Rose, Blood, and snow. Everything will be ok in the end. I make more notes and teleport to go get rid of anger and feed my lust.

All will be well.

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