The search

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"Go ahead." And with that I open the folder, to reveal two things I wouldn't even think of.

On one side is profiles of. . . . Children. Listing fears, favorites, and other things.

The other side has-what looks like- a story.

"I didn't know you wrote." I say.

"I do, just not in front of the family as much." Aly replies. She sounds tired.

"You can sleep if you want." I turn to her.

"No I'm fine thank you." She smiles.

"I didn't know you kept track of who you kill, how, when and etc etc." I raise an eyebrow even though she can't see because of my mask.

"Slendy said I must, he said In order to make sure Satan accepts me I must and every month that's why I leave for about two days with slendy. It's so Satan can check on how I'm doing and slowly make me immortal because if we would have done that and me being a normal human it would hurt a ton. In fact it could hurt so much it could kill me." An I thought I was smart! This killer knows her knifes!

"Oh. . . Wow." I reply or try to since I don't know what to say.

"What day is it? And could you bring me the folder and my bag?" Aly says.

"Um I belive it's April . . . . 19th. Why? " I grab her bag and folder, then walk over to her. She curses.

"On the next full moon-which I think is close- I have to go see satan. Which means I need to heal quickly if I want to get my kills in, and feed my bloodlust." She stated. I hand her the bag.

"I'll get you a couple pain medicines. But when you go out you must tell smile of myself." I say to her. She nods and opens the folder an grabs a pen. "May I ask- what the hell are you doing?"

"I'm looking at the kids profiles. Finding the closer ones. The closer they are to each other the quicker-and easier- the kills." She sorts through the profiles. They are in alphabetical order, by last names, the girls and boys are separated-unless they are related.

Aly takes a couple profiles and takes a binder and sets the profiles inside. she goes through more and more. After about 10 minutes she's got over 20 profiles in that red binder.

"How many do you have to do a month? And does it matter where?" I ask.

"He said I have to do at least 20 and at most 100. Yes,it does matter where I'm not suppose to do to many in one place cause that's an easy way to get caught. I'm suppose to go all around the states. Like I could do 4 states and each with 5 kills and get my goal. And if I do more it's a bonus-but not for my bloodlust. Can you get me my katana knife?" She asks without looking up. She sorts again. I look for the knife- I find it on her dresser by the door, I walk back over and hand it to her.

"It's a bit bloody. . . Want me to clean it?" I think while looking at the knife. "And sharpen?" I add.

"Please, thanks a ton ej." And with that she's back to her profiles. She reaches to get her laptop and almost falls, I catch her before she does. She smiles as I help her back on the bed and hand her her laptop. She opens it up while I leave.

Alys POV

I open up my laptop, this kids profile doesn't have where he lives only says Louisiana-which I would love to go. The bad part is I'll need slendy or smile to get there or I'm walking. And walking from michigan to Louisiana freak no!

I log into my laptop and search the web. After a couple minutes I find where the kid lives and write it down. I grab each of the kids profiles and search how to get there. I print each of them out- but because my printer is on my desk which is on the other side of the room- I leave it there. I take each of the kids profiles and grab a staple. EJ walks back in. He grabs them as he passes.

The UnknownOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora