The story

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                                              Chapter four

I wake up in the middle of the night to growling. I open my eyes. I sit up and rub the sleep away.

"Monster shush! " I say. "Why is the window open?"

"How else was I suppose to get in?" he says. I turn my head.

"You!?!" I say, trying not to shout.

"Who else?" he shrugs.

"You could have at least closed it. I'm freezing!" I say.

"You're cute when you sleep you know." he says. He lays down on the small sofa.

"How long have you been here? What the heck do you want!" I say wanting to slap him for his comment.

"Maybe ten minutes? I want to kill you." he says.

"Then why didn't you?" I ask and sit on the bean bag across from the couch. He sits up.

"Cause I couldn't. And your drawing is wrong." he says.

"WHY DID YOU LOOK AT THAT! And why couldn't you kill me..." I say scared of both answers. Monster sits at my feet keeping an eye on Jake. Jake tenses. Monster has gotten bigger. She's up to my knee know.

"I couldn't help it I wanted to see what you thought of me. And I don't know why I didn't kill you." he says and stands up. The hair on the back of Monsters hair stands up. I stand up.

"Why do you  care what I think of you?" I ask. He steps towards me. I take a step back. Shoot I hit a wall.

"I don't know any of these questions." he says and grabs my wrist and pins it on the wall. Monster runs out of the room. To get help I hope. Jake lifts his mask. He continues " This is what I look like." I gasp.

"You're..." my voice trails off.

"Yes I know. I was the cutest guy in my grade." he says.

"Wow. Why do you wear a mask then?" I ask.

"Cause I don't need girls stopping me before I kill them." he says and I tense up.

"But...but what's your....your story....." I ask. His grip loosens.

"My story. I can't believe I'm doing this. Sit down. I'll explain." he shakes his head and let's go of my wrist. I nod and walk to the bed and sit.

" Do..... do you know Jeff the Killer? Slenderman? Eyeless Jack?" he begins. He leaves his mask off and looks me in the eye.

"Yes I do."

"They...are my friends. When I was 10 so you would have been 8. I kinda lied about knowing you you're whole life. My mom and dad... went to a party and took me. When we.....We got home my dad was....way beyond drunk. My mom told me to go upstairs while she tried to calm my dad down. He was breaking everything in his path. I nodded. And walked upstairs to my room. As soon as she walked away. I walked downstairs and grabbed a knife. If he hurt her. I was going to kill him. He hit her on accident when I was watching. I ran up to him. Stabbed him in the skull. Mom my backed up against the wall. She was scared. I said mom he hurt you. I hurt him back. She was shaking. I had just killed my dad and felt nothing different. And I was young so my mom was really scared. She said I should go to bed. She walked me to my room... when I fell asleep she grabbed my 8 year old brother and sister. She ran. She ran to the car and left. I waited day and night for her to come back. I never lost weight. It was my birthday. I sat there alone. She didn't call. She didn't send anything. I lost her. I lost myself. I at that time had a girlfriend. I went to her house. I killed her and her family. I killed my ex and her family. I wad smiling the whole time. I took one girl. I took her home. I threatened her to tell me what she knew about my mom. She said she didn't know anything. I said I didn't believe her. I stabbed her. I then went unto the woods. I found Jack. He took me as his 'younger brother' Then I meet Jeff and Slendy. We all started killing people. I loved it!" He says. I start shaking and try to back away. "Aly please! I wouldn't ever hurt you! I need to be trusted! Just please!" He says begging.

"But you.... you.....k.....killed.......them......."

"I swear I'll change! I'll change for you! " He says his eyes pleading. He grabs me and pulls me closer and kisses me. It feels like my heart exploded. I have never kissed a guy. And no guy ever liked me. When the kiss ends. His eyes are a wild blue. They are still pleading.

"Aly.....Aly I didn't......I didn't .....mean...that...." he says. He seems freaked out himself. I back up and almost fall off the bed. He catches me.

"But........what......was.......that.....about......" I studder.

"I don't  know. You.....the look you gave me....I couldn't help it." he says.

"I think....." I start but I'm interrupted by Jared running in. He sees Jake.

"BACK AWAY FROM HER! LEAVE NOW!" Jared screams nd walks towards me.

"I wasn't going to hurt her!" Jake says.

"GO! LEAVE! GET!!!! NOW!" Jared grabs me and runs out of the room with the dogs. I saw a tear slide down Jake's face. Then it flashed with anger an  he jumped out of the window. I start to cry. Jared takes me to his room.

"what wrong?" Sam asks.

"He was in her bedroom. Monster came out and found me. He had Aly cornered basically." Jared says and puts me on the bed and sits down himself and starts to rock me.

"But how did he get in?" Sam asks and wipes the tears away and Monster jumps into my lap.

"I dont know how he got past the fence. Or up to a 2 story window. But he did opened the window and freaked her out." Jared says.

"That's cruel. You're going to stay in our room for the rest of the night ok Aly?" Sam says and I nod. They both kiss me. I lay down in the middle and Monster comes as close as to me as she can. The other dogs sleep on the floor.

    I have a nightmare. Jake is trying to kill me. I start to move in the bed uncomfortable. I start to say no out loud. I finally scream and sit up and cry. Jared and Sam wake up.

"Its ok Aly it's ok. We are here." He says and rocks me again. I finally drift off to sleep in his arms and manage to stay asleep until daybreak.

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