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I wake up and Jeff is standing over me.

"AHHHHHHHH!" I scream.

"Get up training." He says and dissapears. I change into a black tank top with gold and silver skull then red booty shorts. I out black under armor tennis shoes on then run to the basement.

"SHES MINE FIRST!" Jeff shouts. Jake growls.

"Fine!" He right hooks him and sits down. One way glass, but inside the small room is mirrors.

"Huh?" I ask. Jeff throws me over his shoulder and puts me in the room.

"Lets play a game." Jake growls at his words.

"What kinda game?"

"Each time someone lands a punch or hit or anything that involves touching they loose a piece of clothing."

"NO!" Everyone shouts.

"JEFF I SWEAR TO SATAN IF YOU TOUCH HER!!!!" jake shouts I giggle. This may be fun.

"Deal!" Jake starts to swear and tries to open the door. He can't because Slendy dead bolted in from inside the room he's in the corner sitting down ready to help if something goes deeply wrong.

The fight begins. Jeff tries to kick my feet out but I dodge. He stares at me. I wave. He tries to uppercut me in the jaw. I back away. I kick his feet while he's in rage and sit on him, then right hook him in the face.

"That's 2 times. Loose the hoodie and shirt." I smirk.

"Frisky. Me like!" Jeff smiles.

"GET AWAY FROM HER! SLENDY LET ME IN!" Jake shouts. Jeff takes his shirt and hoodie off. Wow he's got a body. He tries to get me by surprise but while he's trying to get me I dodge and get him.

"Now loose the pants."

"JEFF DONT YOU DARE TAKE YOURE PANTS OFF!" Jake shouts. He's banging on the door. I chuckle.

"This is too easy! All you have left is you're underwear and I'm not fightin you when you loose those!" I chuckle.

"Really I thought that's what you wanted."

"Oh go watch porn!" I shout.

"JEFF! ALY! GET! OUT! HERE! NOW!" Jake yells. While Jeff tries to figure out where he's banging on the door. I kick him in the face. He falls to the floor. Slendy opens the door and Jake runs up to me.


"I won chill." I say plainly.

"She's not even out of breathe and she barely moved!" Sally says. "No one can beat Jeff."

"Aly has a special power child." I give slendy a weird look.

"Huh?" I ask confused.

"You have a power. You're a shifter."

"SHES A WHAT?" They shout while I shout, "IM A WHAT?"

"Shifter, but you can't shift just yet. You are as fast as a shifter. And about as strong." Jeff looks at me.


"I can't believe you beat me!"

"Easy really." I shrug.

"My turn. Lets see how good she is in a knife fight." Jane says and walks out then walks back in. She holds a hand out. Inside her hand is what I gasp about. It's a silver knife but the handle is gold and silver with a red skull. Everyone is ushed out by slendy but jake puts up a fight and finally slendy just picks him up and throws him out.

Jane moves quick, but I move quicker. I catch her a couple times while I don't hae a scratch on me. I finally get a clearing and stab her kidney, if E.J hasn't taken it yet. She falls in pain. I shrug.

The room goes dark.

"Ben." I mutter. I slickly move to where he would be and grab his hat and pull it away then stab where his spine would be. A blood curling scream breaks the room and the light turns on.

"Easy!" I shout.

"Bow, gun, and knife throwing." Slendy says.

"My cup of tea!"

I grab the bow first, and just like Katniss, I make them all on the bullseye. I grab the knifes and try to get a good grip one I do I throw it as quickly and skillful as I can. I make those too. Then comes the gun. I choose pistol. Just like deer hunting, I think in my head. I act as if the bullseye is the deers heart and score 5 shots in the heart.

"You can now protect yourself and family. You no longer need us to be around you constantly. But I did find one weakness." Slendy states.

"WHAT IS IT?" Jeff shouts, knowing him already planning how our next fight is going to end.

"Aly go grab that silver rod." Slendy points. I grab the rod and pain shoots through my whole body. I yelp and throw it. "Silver. She can't touch, but she can be around." I nod. Great what am I? A werewolf? Ha yeah right.

"Hehe I'm already planning the next fight." Jeff says.

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