Home.......Well detour

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"We can take you home. But we want to show you ours. We can make there ride trouble some. We can have smile send wolves to throw them off path. You just have to come up with an excuse." Jake says he takes my hand. "Please come."

"Jake I have the dogs though. Can't you come get me tonight?" I lean on him.

"Ok. What time?" he kisses my head.

"Midnight. I'll be up."

"Ok. I'll be there." He kisses my lips and I kiss him back and close the space between us. He pulls away. "You're so beautiful. Its the path on the far left. Then take a right. I'll get smile to slow them down." He smiles. Smile appears I pet him.

"Thank you smile. I wouldn't have found her without you." I pet him. His smile grows I giggle. I wave to the other and take off and Smile disappears to distract Sam and Jared. I called down the path then stop. I hear four wheelers. I untie monsters leash and put it in my bag and let her run beside me.

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