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I open my eyes and am greeted by Monster running up to the dogs, the little red short haired pups following. Chill keeps her head down.

"Slendy? What's wrong with chill." I point to the she-dog.

"She feels smiles dominance, along with monsters. She also doesn't have a mate, she feels left out."

"Oh poor chill." The runt puppy goes up to Chill, she backs away. The puppy looks hurt them looks at me and trots over. I pick it up and call chill over. She comes over and nuzzles the pup. Smile barks and the pups line up. Then smile and monster lead the way up the stairs. The runt can't get up and smile then grabs the dog and helps him up. Chill stays behind.

"I might be able to help her." Slendy says.

"How?" I say hopeful.

"You know how Sam made a mutant? Like Monster? Well I could make chill one. Then give all the dogs an immunity shot so they live as long as you. The pups still need there shots, and trackers. So, in simple words, I can make all you're normal dogs like monster." Slendy says.

"You would do that? Why? You've done so much already." I look up at him.

"No one should be left alone or out." He pats my shoulders. Then chuckles. "I'm Doing it anyway." We both laugh. He then hands me the bag. "Just open it on you're bed, and everything will go where it should be, close the bag and it will fade into my room." He disappears. "Make sure the new dogs are ok In their new room. Then After dinner bring them to my room." I nod and walk up the stairs. I then sigh.

"What am I going to do?" I whisper. I walk into my room and open the bag on my bed and everything goes where it should, I close it when everything's gone and the bag disappears. I go into the dogs room, across from mine, to check on them. They seem fine, but chill. "Chill come." I say. She trots over. "Monster give them a tour. You too smile. Don't hurt the pups!" I say and walk out with chill. Monster trots out with the pups following smile is nudging the slower ones.

I take chill to my room and lay down on my bed and pat the space next to me, she jumps up and lays down.

"What am I going to do?" I ask her. I don't know why I did because she can't respond back. I wonder if slendy can make them talk? I chuckle at the thought. I get up and order new collars for the dogs and they appear on my bed. I put chills on and put the others in my skull bag reminding me to put them on the dogs later. I wonder if I could train and become a fighter and kill if I have to, but not kill everyday? I shrug.

I take a shower and decide to wash chill. She enjoys it, after I make it freezing. Although she does have fur like smile, thick and a lot of it, but she's not a husky. She's a lab and retriever plus some pointer. Fence has true blood traditional colors Black and Tan. Razor is true German colors too.

I dry chill off and look for something, blue color dye. Made for dogs! It's not a dark blue but not to pale. Almost like a sky blue. Her eyes are bright blue, maybe I'll leave her tail white. I have her jump back in, and I apply the color all over her but her tail and ears and stomach. She looks amazing.

I look out the window, nighttime. Perfect! I grab her and change into my bathing suit. There's a lake out the back door. I put her glowing blue color on her. I call the other dogs and they come. I put a glowing red and black color that says smile on smile, razor gets glowing grey, chill gets her glowing feminine blue, I give the female pups glowing purple which is only 3/7 and glowing purple jackets. I give the boy pups 4/7 glowing green collar and jacket. Monster gets glowing pink. The adult dogs don't get life jackets only collars, the pups get glowing collars and jackets. I grab my bag with a change of clothes and shoes, then run down with the pups. Chill seems happier, as soon as we reach the lake she's in. Monster holds back in shallow helping the pups, smile won't get in so I walk in and coax him in, finally he does and I throw a ball and he gets it.

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