Why is HE Back?

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Its midnight now and we finished painting the tree house. Then tomorrow we do another coat. Then Saturday we can get the kitchen and dinning room, Sunday we should finish, furniture wise. Monday I can then put some clothes and other things I need in the house and what I don't have we can buy. So by Wednesday I should be in my........."house" and Thursday is my first choir lesson. Perfect!


We get up at noon and all take a shower. We then eat and head to my new house. Jake already there. We start to do a second coat and finish by lunch. The rest of the day we just play XboxOne, read or go on the trails.


I put music on and sing along  everyone else starts to sing. We put the stove in, fridge, microwave, and dishwasher too. Then we get them fixed up.

"Aly in the one cabinet is cooking books. Maybe you can make dinner!" Sam winks. I nod.

We get the living room couches , table, recliner, rug, lamps, and then the kitchen we got everything done. Tomorrow we will do the rest.


We get up eat lunch and go to the tree house. I put some new dog toys near the couch. I lock the front door and make my way to my room. I open the closet and start putting clothes in there that Sam got me the other day. I put my new red,black, and grey converse in the closet along with knee high converse. I left my other converse and tennis shoes in my room, at the mansion I should say haha. I put the sheets on, curtains, my desk, and clean up a bit. I move to the study room. Jake built shelves, I stack them with my books, mainly astrology and ghost stories. With some adventure and informational. I put curtains up and go to the next room. Its across from mine then there's a knock at the door. Weird...Sam and Jared are taking a break on the top floor, Jake said he was out....killing... Who could it be? Jared sprints downstairs and opens the hall closet. He gives a panicked look, Monster follows him. They go to the front door.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT TOMMY!" Jared shouts I gasp.

"You know what I want." He smirks.  Jared aims the pistol and shoots Tommy falls off the stairs and monster attacks making sure he's dead. The back door slams open and Jake stumbles towards me from running so fast.

"I thought something was wrong and halfway here I heard a gun shot." Jake says. He hugs me, his grip tightens on the knife as he walks towards Jared. Jared points and Jake nods. He walks over to me and hugs me tightly as I whimper on his chest.

"Its ok I'm here now, he's not gonna get you. I'm going to have to put cameras outside here so I know what's going on." He whispers then chuckles. "I've never seen you so scared. It hurts." I pull away and wipe the tears. I nod and walk to a bedroom pulling him behind me he smirks.

"Dirty freak, I'm not doing that! While you're here you might as well help me move in. I'm going to make lemonade. I'll be back." I leave and make some pour some for Sam, Jared and me. I'll ask Jake on the way if he wants one. I walk up to Jared and hand him it. He takes it and calls someone smiling at me.  I smile back then walk to the dogs room where Jake is and ask him.

"Baby want one?" I ask. He looks shocked. "What?"

"First nice nickname." He smirks. "Sure never had it before." I hand it to him but he kisses me before taking a sip. He gives a sour look.

"Hahehehehe!" I burst out laughing and he takes another sip but doesn't do the face. Damn it. I smile and walk to Sam and hand it to her.

"Thanks." She says and takes it. I nod and walk back to get myself one and sip it. I walk to the dogs room and Jake's done .Its of the work im so tired.

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