Chapter 28

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Your Pov

Mom's not mad anymore just worried. But it's not helping me because it makes me even more worried. Jake's been trying to help me but it's not helping. It's times like this that I miss my father the most. He would know exactly what to do. I can't decide if I want to keep it or put it up for adoption.

Jacob and I are staying home for the rest of the week. Mom only agreed because we said we'd baby sit the girls. Jacob groans as the girls try to pull him up for another game of ring around the rosey.

"how about you take a break and I'll play with them," say chuckling. Jacob smiles and walks off. I have a hard time running with Kailey because of my stomach but I try my best. At 12 We go to lunch at a Mexican restaurant down the street. Jacob loves it because he is half Mexican. The whole ride Jake's blasting some Nirvana crap. I don't understand how he likes it because I don't even understand what they are saying, it's just a bunch of screaming. To make it worse Kailey is screaming along out of tune and Maryn is making weird noises and giggling. I finally reach and turn to another station and start singing along to Show Me by kid ink ft. chris brown. Jake glares at me but eventually starts singing with me.

Jake gets Maryn out of her car seat while Kailey and I head inside.

"Hello table for 4?" ask the lady at the desk.

"Yes," she leads us to our booth. Kailey immediately picks up the coloring book while Jake and I order drinks.

"wow, mom use to take me and my brother here all the time," he says with a smile that quickly turns into a frown. He presses his hands to his eyes.

"jake, this is supose to be a fun day," I say. He shakes his head.

"sorry," he says with a small smile. We order our food and drinks. When we get our food I notice Jacob eyeballing this girl with long red weave. I clear my throat to get his attention. He looks up and a fake smile slowly spreads across his face. I raise my eyebrow at him.

"What?" he says with a small chuckle.

"I'm pregnant and my hormones are going crazy don't play with me jake, why were you lookin at that girl?" I ask getting a little sassy.

"What girl?" he ask acting confused. I glare at him.

"THE THOT WITH THE RED HAIR!"I yell but not loud enough for anyone else to hear me.

"Oh her...uh i don't know just-"

"hey yn," Christina says with a smirk. Of all the people who could of been here it had to be her.

"Bye," I say with a bright smile.

"I see your still with Jacob, this is the second time I've run into you guys since ya know, Jacob was a chicken and left the school," She says. She makes me wanna get up and rip her tomato weave right out her head til she's bald.

"why you gotta say somethin smart everytime we see you? Don't you have somethin to do with your butt suckers somewhere else?" I say getting anger by the second.

"Actually I work here cause I'm not broke like you," She says, " And once that baby gets here you better hope your momma doesn't mind paying for it because if you don't get a job soon you gon be real broke." I think over somethings in my head then I finally get up and slap her.

Jacob immediately gets up and pulls me back.

"Your pregnant!" he reminds me like I forget. Right now idgaf this chick talkin bout me and baby like it's her business. She getsup and shakes her head.

"Your off the hook this time but don't let me find you alone," she yells then walks off.

Jacob drags me to the car. Kailey hasn't said a word and Maryn has been crying the whole time. i slam the door shut. The ride home is silent and awkward.

When we make it home I head upstairs and lock myself in my room for the rest of the night.


Ok it took me too long to update but I've had a ton of .. I'm going to try to update more often anyways the comments on these chapters are to dry. I won't update until this chapter gets 5 comments. ILY


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