Chapter 1

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Okay, so here is my new book. It's my first one that is based solely on werewolves, so here goes!



Helena's POV

Heather and I were perched up in the tree right above the front door. Our hands held 2 rotten eggs each, ready and waiting for our target to walk out.

My sister and I looked exactly alike. We had long, curly brown hair with natural caramel highlights. Our skin was tan and flawless. Not that I'm looking, but our chests are well endowed, about a 34C. We have well toned bodies from our Alpha blood and extreme workouts. Our legs are long, perfect for shorts during the summers in California! Our eyes were the only way that you could tell us apart, though. But they're kind of weird. So my left eye is hazel, while my right eye is a bright green.

Heather's right eye is hazel and her left eyes is the same bright green as mine.

"Are you sure about this, Hel? I mean, didn't he say that if we pranked him again he would get us back?" I don't know if you can tell, but my sister is a bit of a worrywart!

"Come on, Heat! What is he going going to do to us? We can take him!" She didn't look so convinced, but she didn't have time to respond or back out because we heard our target opening the front door. "On the count of three. One.... Two.... THREE!" We chucked the eggs right at Ryan's heads.


Heather and I exchanged wide eyed expressions and jumped down from the tree. We were off like bats outta hell before Ryan could catch us.

Knowing that we weren't in any real danger, Heat and I ran at a normal pace. Ryan, our closest childhood friend and son of our pack's Delta, wouldn't do anything crazy. Right?

"Run, Heather! Run! He's gonna kill us!" I squealed as we shot off into the woods. We could hear Ryan growling at us, and his heavy steps as he tried to catch us.

I turned around to laugh at his slow pace, but ran straight into a tree.

"Helena! Are you okay?" Heather asked as she started to come back for me.

"No! Run, Heat! Live on! Tell my tale! Go on, save yourself!" She obviously didn't need to be told twice. She was off about a second before Ryan spotted me. He snatched me up off the ground and growled. "Oh hey, buddy. How have you been? Did I mention that I love what you've done with your hair? Absolutely fabulous, darling!" I tried with a nervous grin.

"Hel..." he said right before his face broke out into an evil grin. I knew that look all too well.

"NO!!! Don't you even think about it! I'll-" Before I could finish my sentence, Ryan was rubbing his face and hair all over me like I was a towel! "Ahhh! Damn you, Ryan!"

'Heather! I need you back here! Stat! We need to get payback on Ryan. Maneuver 6 Gamma!' I mind linked Heather, quickly, and devised our fool proof plan.

Don't think I mentioned this before, but we are werewolves. Not the kind that shift under full moons. We shift whenever we want, and we each have a wolf in our heads; kind of like a conscience. My sister and I are Alphas. But we are kind of more special than that. You see, werewolf twins are very rare. That's because in the womb, much like how things are out in the werewolf world, we would fight for dominance. So one fetus would try to suck the nutrients out of the other. But sometimes, they are equally matched, often resulting in a miscarriage; or they coexist happily. But, for there to be Alpha twins, well that is unheard of. So we are going to share our power over our pack.

Anyway, back to now. I saw Heather appear from behind a tree behind Ryan. I kept on squealing so he wouldn't get suspicious. Running up behind Ryan, Heather kick him in the side and sent him flying a few feet away. Between the two of us, she is the more tactical one. We are matched in senses, speed and strength, though I'm more 'in the moment', which does come in handy. Like now.

I went after Ryan and pounced on him like a cat. I flipped him over and bent his arm behind his back. "Say it!" I sneered in his ear. My wolf and I were pissed that he rubbed rotten egg all over us. Even though we started it... But whatever! We were going to have Ryan submit to us one way or another.

"Never, short stuff!" 'Short stuff'?! I am 5'7"!

My wolf was coming to the surface, causing Heather's to pace around in her head. (We are in the other's head constantly, but we can block the other out.) Our eyes were probably glowing their stunning golden-lilac. "Submit." my wolf ordered in her slightly deeper voice.

Ryan immediately knew that our wolves were in dominance mode. He stuck out his neck and whimpered. Satisfied, my wolf retreated to the back of my mind.

'What was that all about?' Heather linked me.

'I have no idea. We'll have to ask them later.' I linked back.

I got off of Ryan's back and glared at him playfully. "Up." I said. He rose and looked at me sheepishly before he saw my expression. He seemed to relax and bit and a smirk replaced his small grin. "Now I demand you carry me back to the pack house, run me a bath and make me brownies."

Ryan's eyes went wide. "What? Why?"

Heather answered for me. "Because you ruined her favorite shirt. You may carry me too. Chop chop, wolfie!"

Ryan just grumbled about it being our faults and picked us both up. Heather leaned away from me. "Geez, Hel! You smell!" We laughed and I put some goop in her hair.

"Haha! Please, share this wonderful experience with me!" Heather gasped and glared at me. She knows she loves me.


What do you think? Please tell me. I love to hear what people think of my stories :) I was hoping someone could possibly make me a cover? Just message me and I'll give you my email so you can send it to me since I always use my phone.

Thanks for reading!

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