Chapter 20

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Dedicated to celeste_marquez14 and MichelleOwenMccully!

Really sorry for the wait. Illness and writer's block. Hope this makes up for it :)


Heather's POV

'Hi there,' a melodic voice tinkled into my head.

'Hi. Who are you?' I asked.

'I'm your new wolf, Sindy,' she answered back.

'That's a nice name. I'm-'

'Heather. I know, dumbass! I'm not as stupid as you!' the same voice said, though it was deeper.

'What?' I questioned, puzzled.

'Wow! Think about it, Einstein.' Sindy is a bit of a jerk...

'Oh yeah! I remember now. Shelby and Leah told us about our new wolves...' I began to explain but trailed off.

'Yeah. I know.'

Jeez! She is really rude!

'Whatever. Just shift!' I screamed at Sindy.

'Only because I want to see how I look this time,' she quipped.

This time? What could that possibly mean? Before I could ask my question, I was on my new paws. They were much larger than before. And they were silver. I was silver sprinkled generously with black and white spots.

'Okay. Good enough for me,' Sindy announced as she returned me to my human form.

'Hey! Change back so we can be with our mate, my sister and her mate. We can all go for a run together-'


'Excuse me?' I said sharply.

'That's right. You're going to have to make me shift. Sucks to be you right now, huh?'

'Why won't you try to cooperate with me. We really don't have much time.' I tried.

'You think I don't know that?! Prove that you deserve my respect and I'll consider aiding you and you pathetic little group in your quest,' Sindy snapped.

'What do I have to do?' I asked, defeated.

'You. Tell. Me.'


Short but really struggling this week. I promise to push through and get something up really soon. Like before September!

I love you all!!!


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