Chapter 6

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Hehe! Okay, so I got a comment from 'Sheylalizeth' and it made me really happy that they're enjoying my book. So to show my appreciation, this chapter is for you, Sheylalizeth!!!!!! Because you rock!


Heather's POV

It is now 3:10 and Helena is still being stubborn.

"I still don't believe you! And if he is so amazing, why don't you mate him?!" She was fuming and being irrational.

"Come on, Hel! They are twins! And he is obviously your mate. There was so much love in his eyes when he saw you; and then some much pain when you exploded in his face. Stop being such a baby and come with me to his office!"

Hel mumbled something under her breath and let's just say it ticked me off. I picked up a pillow and a glass of water off the nightstand. I proceeded to hit the back of her head with the pillow until she grab it from me and stood. Then I tossed the water in her face and jetted.

I know her pretty damn well, and in 2 seconds she's going to-

"WHAT THE FUCK?! IM GONNA KILL YOU!" she roared. I was half way down the stairs when she jumped onto my back.

"Ah!" we went tumbling down the rest of the steps. "You jerk! That hurt!" She seemed to be in a different world her eyes were dazed and wild, and her body went stiff. "Hey, are you alright?" I shook her shoulders a bit. When I let go, her wolf spook into my head.

'You should run, I am trying to calm her down, but she isn't listening! Quickly, go to Marcus' office!' Shelby quickly pushed that into my head and I tore down the hall to Marcus' office.

I didn't bother to knock, which turned out to be a big mistake. I froze at the site in front of me. The most gorgeous guy ever sat before me with his eyes squeezed shut. And his legs wide open...

I saw blonde hair bobbing up an down on-

"The fuck?!" I roared. I went around the table and stared daggers at my mate. He looked at me first with love, then a blank expression which soon became a smirk. He moaned loudly and exploded in the girls mouth. She coughed and sat up, looking at my mate.

"Babe, you know I can't-" I didn't even let her finish that sentence. I snatched her up by her hair and dragged her outside. My wolf and I would take pleasure in ending her pathetic life. I saw Helena running down the hall at me and when she lunged at me, I side stepped her.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" I roared. I throw the little slut on the ground and extended my claws. I plunged them into her stomach and decided to leave her there in agony. I am ruthless like that. When I turned back to the house, I saw Helena, Marcus and my mate standing there staring at me.

Hel stepped forward, still soaked. And if I wasn't so pissed off right now, I would be laughing my ass off. "Heat, what happened?" she asked, panicked.

"The brother of your mate. He.... HE LET THIS LITTLE HUSSY-" I didn't finish that sentence. I shifted and ran into the woods. I didn't stop there, I ran until I hit the water. Then I just sat there and cried my heart out. My heart was broken into a million pieces. "How could he do this to us?" I sobbed to myself. My wolf just howled in pain.


Marcio's POV

When my mate had walked into the office, my wolf started to dance around. He was telling me to get the girl off of me, but I couldn't care less about my 'mate'. When I opened my eyes, I saw that she was gorgeous, but I had finally gotten Tasha back. This girl can just go back to wherever she came from.

I was entranced by her beauty, though. My wolf showed me an image of her round with our child and I exploded in Tasha's mouth. The little skank started to say something, but I was stuck on the idea of my mate carrying my child.

Wait, what?! I don't want her! I don't want any girl, but least of all my mate. Hell, I just wanted Tasha back where she was because she was good at what she did. My mate grabbed Tasha by her hair and dragged her out the room. Let them go ahead and kill each other. See how much I care.

After I had cleaned myself up a bit. I strolled outside to see Tasha on the ground bleeding out. My mate turned around and started yelling.

"The brother of your mate. He.... HE LET THIS LITTLE HUSSY-" then she ran off. I guess they were talking about me.

My brother and my mate's ?sister? turned to me and glared.

The girl pounced on me. "You scum bastard!! What the hell did you do to my sister?!" Her fist started whaling on my face until my brother grabbed her. "You better go find her!" She turned around and hugged my brother. He just kissed the top of her head before glaring at me again.

"Are you guys mates?" I asked stupidly.

"Yes. And thanks to you, our first meeting wasn't very pleasant. You do things without considering how they will affect others. I hope you feel every bit of pain that you have caused Heather to feel. Come on, Helena." My brother and his mate went back inside.

'You dumb ass!' my wolf shouted at me.

'I know. Just help me find her.'

'No. You're on your own until you find her.' And then he blocked me out.

Dammit. What have I done?


Hehe. Please don't hate me!

What do you think is going to happen?

Will Marcio find Heather?

And more importantly, will she forgive him?




Ciao >~<

(P.S. I am going to be starting a new werewolf book soon. I have a basic story line planned out. So if you want to create some characters, I'd be happy to add them in! And I might pick a few to be my main characters! So maybe in the next chapter or the one after that, I'll tell you guys what it'll be about!)

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