A/N - Chapter 12

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I'm really sorry to say that I won't be able to post any chapters for a while. I just got a C in my World History class. So now I'm grounded. My mom just gave me this big ol' speech about me only ever going to be able to get into a community college now. Not that there is anything wrong with them, you'll learn the exact same things, it just costs less!

I am so mad right now. Mainly at myself, but- Ah! I guess I'm the only person I can be mad at, huh? Sometimes, I wish I could just leave and never come back.

Sorry to rant at you guys, but I really needed to let off some steam. I guess I feel better now, but whatever, right? What do you guys think?

And since you read all of that, I guess I can try to put out a quick chapter before I get caught:


Helena's POV

"Come on, Heat. Wake up! We're here!" I shook Heather to try to wake her up, but she wouldn't. I sighed heavily. "Fine, I guess I'll just go find some cute guys on my own..."

That made her bolt straight up. " I believe I heard 'cute guys'? Just give me 2 minutes and we can go." She stood and sprinted to the bathroom.

We had finally landed in Jamaica after an entire day on the plane. I was being entirely serious when I told Marcio that I was going to find a worthy mate for Heat. I don't care what it takes, I'll do anything for her. Poor Marcus though.

-----------45 minutes later------------

"What?! Not ever going to happen, buddy!" I laughed seductively at a very toned and sexy were. He was a potential mate. I could feel the pull. But, it was off somehow. "Well, unless you can prove it..." I giggled.

"What? You don't believe me?" he questioned as he placed his hand on my bare thigh. Heather and I were both clothed in crop tops, shorts and flats.

As soon as this guy's hand touched my thigh, I felt flames lick through my veins. Not good flames, the bad ones. The painful ones that made you want to smash yourself into a wall until you passed out.

"Argh! Please, don't touch me!" I quickly slapped his hand away from me.

"MINE!" his wolf growled.

"No, I'm really not. Please, just leave me alone!" I got up and ran away. 'Dammit! I was trying so hard, but I can't stand being around the pain.'

'It's because we already found our true mate. Go to mate! Love mate!' Shelby screamed at me.

'Please, Shelby! You know that I love him, but I have to do this for Heather. If she isn't happy, how can I be? How can we live with that?'

'Go to mate!

I really wish I could...


Sorry, that's all I've got. I really wish I could right more but I can't. Sorry to let you all down :,(


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