Chapter 23

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Marcus' POV

When Helena shifted and ran off, I went inside the pack house. Marcio ran after and grabbed my shoulder. "Hey! Where are you going?! Our mates are out there all alone! We have to go after them!"

"She doesn't want me..." was all I could say as I slid down the wall. I crumpled into a mess on the floor and remembered what happened.


'Hey, dude! I'm your new wolf Jeremiah! Um.... Yeah.... I'm good at a lot of things, but I don't quite know how to explain this... Hey! Let's listen to Sindy explain it!' He said excitedly and tuned into Heather's head with no problems.

We could see into Heather's mind, and just let me tell you: what we saw isn't something you see everyday. A wolf, who I assumed was Jaclyn, was thrown into the 'wall' of Heather's mind.

I blinked and we were back in my mind. 'You didn't see that!' Jeremiah exclaimed. Weird...

'What was-'

'You didn't see that!' he said, cutting me off. 'Let's check out Helena's mind.'

'...I feel like I've had to always protect them. I'm so sick and tired of it all!' my mate sobbed.

'Why didn't you just leave?' asked her wolf.

'Sindy... If I had left, it would have broken my heart! How would I have been able to protect Heather? How would I have been able to protect everyone?!'

'Listen! It is not your responsibility to protect everyone around you! They are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves!'

Jaclyn's tone caused me to flinch. Were they talking about us? 'Why...' I whispered.

'Marcus?! I've been trying to reach-' Helena began.

'Why don't you want us?' I asked.

'What? What makes you say-! Oh no! You could hear us?! Wait!'

'I thought you loved your sister and I. And maybe even Marcio, a little. But I guess we are too weak for you. Let's go, Jeremiah.'

We pulled out of Helena's mind. When I looked at her wolf standing in front of me, it whimpered. She approached me but I said, "Get away from me! If I ever see you again, it'll be too soon!"

She looked me in the eyes, and I saw something in her crumble. The light in her mismatched eyes faded and she ran off.

"Shit!" I whispered.

End Flashback

I heard a far off howl of pain. "I'm so sorry..." I whispered.


Helena's POV

Why why why?!?! When he told us to go away, I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest, I was being dragged through a volcano and then sprayed with lemon juice!

I retreated to the back of my mind telling Jaclyn she had full control.

I've always had to protect my pack. Fighting off rogues whenever they got into the pack house because our border control sucked. Being kidnapped and having to escape before anyone would notice. Cleaning up my own wounds and hiding all the scars.

Well, my parents noticed somethings, but they just told me to suck it up. Saying that it was my duty to protect the pack since I was the future Alpha. But at 6 years old?!

How could any parent see these things happening to their child and allow them to continue?! They never cared about my feelings or safety. Heather always had to be taken care of. And now, my mate hates me.





Sindy is right. I should have left long ago.


Hope you enjoyed!

I have a challenge for you all. Who can answer all these questions correctly?

1) How old are Heather and Helena?

2) How old are Marcus and Marcio?

3) Where are the girls from?

4) What are the only ways to tell Heather and Helena apart?

5) What are the only ways to tell Marcus and Marcio apart?

6) What are all the nicknames?

Whoever is the first person to answer all these right wins!! We can negotiate what you win 😝

Lots of love to my lovely shifts,


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