Chapter 18

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Dedicated to Denimlove!!!

Dun nun.....

Dun nun....

Dun nun dun nun...

Dun nun dun nun...

Okay I'm done. Hehe. So I don't know if you guys wanted a 'love' scene or not. But I'll put up a short chapter.

If you do want a 'love' scene, comment. 3-4 comments and I'll post it.

Anywho, here-di-do. (I'm feeling wacky today)


Helena's POV

A strong feeling of unease came over me causing my knees to buckle as I was walking down the steps. I tumbled down the stairs, but was caught by Marcus before I hit the last few steps.

"Oh my God! Hel?! Are you okay?! I'll call the pack doctor." He mind linked the pack doctor as he cradled me in his arms.

"It's okay. I'm fine. I just got a strange feeling." My voice sounded strange in my ears. "Woah! I need to lay down. The room is spinning!" The walls were swirling around me in a taunting dance.

"Shit! Close your eyes. It might help. But don't go to sleep." Marcus seemed so worried. I didn't like worrying people. It always makes me uncomfortable. Like when I finally talked to my parents... Yeah, so we aren't even going to relive that moment. I swear, if my parents could have reached through the phone, I'd either be in California or a coffin.

"Okay..." As soon as my eyes closed, Shelby went crazy.

'Ohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohno!!! This is bad! This is very bad! Listen, Helena, you have to do exactly as I say or you're going to fade away. Which means Heather will fade away. Which means Marcus will fade away. Which means Marcio will- actually no one cares about Marcio, but still, that is a lot of fading people!'

'What...? Wait, slow down. What's going on?' I asked sleepily.

'Looks like you'll be getting your wolf earlier than expected...'


Dun dun DUUUUUUUUUUN!!!! Hehe!

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