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--I put this up already, I just moved it so everything would be in order.--

(A picture of Beth (left) and Helena (right) in club outfits)

Heather's POV

I sat there with my jaw hanging wide open.

"She.... That's why..." I mumbled to myself. Our parents had just told me why Helena was always tired and sore when we were little. She was always training, to better herself and protect the pack. If I had known, I would have helped...

I couldn't have help. I'm not like Helena. She kills... Wait! She is isn't a bad person! She kills to protect!

But she said she is done now... Fuck!

I jumped up from my chair and told Marcio to get the fighters together. We have to stop her!


Jaclyn's POV (4 months later)

"That'll be $13.98," the cashier chimed happily.

I handed her the money and took my things. Turning, I bumped into someone. As I looked up to apologize, I noticed he had the same soft brown eyes as Mar-

No! I won't think about him! "Sorry," I mumbled and quickly left the store.

Right as I left the store, I walked towards the woods. It was a short cut to my apartment, I would never sleep out in the woods. Not ever again! Too many twigs! But that's a story for another time.

I finally arrived at my apartment, when my cell phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, Jacky! Are we still going out tonight?" It was a coworker, Beth. We met about 3 and a half months ago when I was answering a help wanted sign at a club. She took me under her wing and showed me the ins and outs of the job. After just a few days, I was mixing cocktails better than her! She is sweet, and I am slowly learning to trust her.

I want to make sure that Helena has someone to look after her. Whenever she comes out, that is. We haven't talked since we left the pack house. But I can still feel her fears... It's extremely rare for a human to allow their wolf to have complete control over their body. Sooner or later, she will have to come out and face reality. We still have to deal with the souls that I keep in the freezer... Don't judge me!

Oh yeah, after I saw more and more of Helena's past, I gav- she earned- my respect. She is one tough cookie!

"Hello?! Jaclyn! Are you still there?!" Beth screamed, panicked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm still here. What were you saying?" I asked slightly dazed.

"Are we going clubbing or not?"

"Yeah, sure. That sounds like a boat load of fun," I reply sarcastically.

"Damn skimpy! Now open the door! I have to make you presentable!" she laughed. Typical Beth. At least I know we can count on her.

I opened the door and was pushed backwards, and eventually dragged, into my bedroom. I just sighed and let Beth go to town.

Usually, I wouldn't let anyone near me or Helena. But I knew that Beth was a good person, and that she would look after us.

"Ta-da," she turned me around to the dresser mirror and I gasped. I was in a leopard (or cheetah?) print dress that went to mid-thigh with black heels. My hair was pulled back with a fancy bump in it and my make-up said I wasn't a good little girl... I looked hot! *licks finger and puts it to hip making a sizzling sound*

"Wow! You did great!" I praised.

"I know!" she joked. "I'm just going to slip into my dress and then we can go."

She shoved me out of my room and shut the door. I chuckled under my breath. I'm starting to like her more and more. Five minutes later, Beth emerged from my room with her long, dark brown hair curled, silver hoop earrings, pale pink dress and silver stilettos. The dress showed more cleavage than I would prefer and went to mid thigh, but that is her style, and she looked nice enough.

"Let's go before all the sexy men are taken!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me out the apartment complex and into an awaiting taxi.

'Maybe tonight will be... fun?'



That's the end!!! Oh no!!!! What a world! What a world!!!!

Okay, now that I'm finished with being dramatic, onto business.

The next book will be called:





Actually, I haven't decided. I'm thinking 'Alpha Problems' or 'Twin Problems'. Not very creative, I know. I'm trying, I promise. Let's take a vote, shall we (I rely on you guys too much! But your ideas may very well be better than mine!)

1) Alpha Problems (I like this a little bit better...)

2) Twin Problems

3) (you can come up with something!)

The next book should be up no later than November 12, at the absolute latest. I know, I pushed it back, but stuff is happening, and I want the new book to top this one.

Thank you all for reading! (Little happy dance complete with fireworks and sweets!!!) I really hope you will continue with my series! (P.S. I entered this book for the Watty Awards!!!!)

Until next time,


Alpha Twins (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now