Chapter 24

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Dedicated to alexrainbow!!!! Thank you so much for the comment!!! Reading you comments, and everyone's for that matter, makes me so happy. 😁 Please keep them coming!


Helena's POV

As I was running, I thought back to the time Heat left. I forgot to tell her...

Oh well. It's probably for the better.

The better... Holy monkey giblets! We forgot about those souls! I should go back and get those.

'But our mate doesn't want us. We should just forget about them all together,' Jaclyn says.

'The Moon Goddess specifically told us we have a job to do. I'm going to do what I can to make sure her trust in me isn't in vain,' I counter.

'That is true... The Moon Goddess gave us one thing to do. But, if they see you, don't talk to them. I won't help you anymore if you do.'

'1) I never asked for your help. 2) It's kinda your job to help me. And 3) Thank you so much for your concern (note the sarcasm), but I was planning on sneaking in and out. Does that meet her majesty's standards?!' I snap.

'...' Jaclyn doesn't say anything, but I can tell she doesn't appreciate the tone. Honestly, I don't care at this point.

Turning around, I hightail it back to the Silver Moon pack house.

Once there, I shifted behind a tree and pulled on the oversized t-shirt and basketball shorts. I should remember to take some money and clothes with me, too.

I analyzed the perimeter of the house and noticed there was an open window on the second floor. I would have to use my wolf's nails and climb. They'll need some new paint... Oh well, not my problem.

Climbing into the window, I ran down the hall and up a flight if stairs to the room I was given when we first arrived. I noticed that all of my things were gone. Crap, they must be in Marcus' room, I thought.

Rushing down the hall, I came to a room that was heavy with his scent. He had just been here...

When I opened the door, I whimpered. His scent made my head swim and my heart hurt. I shook my head to clear it and began grabbing what little items I would need (including the souls). A few tank tops, a pair of jeans, a pair of shorts, sneakers, a black hoodie, underwear and bras. I stuffed everything into a backpack.

I turned to leave, but decided to grab some cash and my purse. I through them in the bag and walked to the door.

'Should I leave a note?' I wondered to myself.

'Don't. It won't end well. Remember, he told you to leave,' Jaclyn reminded me.

She was right. He doesn't want me anymore.

'He rejected us. But we didn't do anything...' Jaclyn sounded hurt and confused.

'Let's just go.' And we opened the door and left.


I know I said a day or two and it turned into almost a week. I'm sorry. I was focusing on auditioning for a play and studying.

On a slightly brighter note, this book only has a few more chapters left! But I'll make a sequel if you all want 😋

Alrighdles!!! Hehe!


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