Chapter 17

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Dedicated to zombieswillattack!!!

Sorry that it took so long >~<
Heather's POV

I watched with wide eyes as the knife easily pierce through Helena's heart.

The sound was unbearable. But it was nothing compared to watching my own sister die. So I squeeze my eyes shut.

The pain....


The pain.... isn't there...?

My eyes quickly snap over to where Helena lay just in time to she her shift. Her wolf lunged from the table and took Ryan's head right off his shoulders in the blink of an eye.

"Ya-" I began to cheer until Ryan's blood started to spray all over my face. "Ahhh!! Make it stop!!!" I tried to kick the body away, but Helena's voice filled my head.


Right as she said that, two orbs left the body. One was black and left a nasty grey trail behind it as it floated close to the floor. The other was pure white and glowed brightly, but there seemed to be a chain that kept it bound to the black orb.

"What is that?" I asked in astonishment.

"What is what? What are you talking about?" Marcio asked worriedly.

"No one was talking to you!" I scream at him. He looks hurt and taken aback before he steps farther into the room.

"Look-" he begins.

"No! You look! You still have yet to show me that you want me! You think that just because you've shown up here that I'm going to forgive you just like that?! I am a very patient person, but I will not tolerate being cheated on. If it happens again, I will not hesitate to kill you and your skank! Marcus, I'm sorry, but if your brother cheats on me again, you're both dead."

Marcus slaps Marcio upside the head. "Just like always, always taking me down with you. What ever happened to united we stand, divided we fall?"

Helena and her wolf chuckled at that. But I was too pissed at Marcio and Ryan's blood squirting all over me! And, well, this whole predicament had me ticked off!

'Ugh. So what do we have to do with that thing?' I mind-linked Helena.

'First off, it's a soul. The color represents the owner's true character. The white one is Ryan's wolf. He hadn't done anything wrong. He was bound to a monster. The black soul was Ryan's.' Shelby explained.

'That chain is the true link between them, and it's strong. Ryan was power hungry and he saw his wolf as a means to get everything he ever wanted. But, luckily, his wolf was never corrupted. Secondly, you girls have to sever the connection and destroy the souls.' Leah concluded.

'Destroy them?! As in both souls?' I exclaimed.

'Well, that is really up to you, girls. Our time together is drawing to a close anyway,' Leah sighed, sounding tired and weak.

'What?! But it hasn't been even been 4 months yet. We still have 3 more months left!' Helena started to panic. I was too, but my curiosity was stronger.

'That is true, but 3 months isn't very long. There is so much that you need to know. Like how to control your new wolves and powers. Granted, you can't try these things out for real until you get your new wolves, but you'll at least know how to handle some things by then.' Leah expanded for us.

"Uh... Hello?! Helena? Heather?! Can you hear us?" Marcus asked worriedly.

"Yeah. We're good," I gave him a small smile, which caused Marcio to growl. "Oh, shut up!"

The sound of Helena shifting made me look over to her. Just as her fur was receding, Marcus was at her side pulling his shirt over her head. He pulled her into his chest and inhaled her scent greedily. "Mine!" he and his wolf growled out in unison.

"Yes, yours. Always." Helena smiled up at him.

"Yeah... so as much as I love seeing all this mushy crap.... Could someone, you know...?" I couldn't get out of the bonds, and it was really ticking me off.

"Haha! Oh yeah. Sorry!" Helena unbound me and I got up and stretched.

"Okay, let's get back to England so we can stop our packs from going ballistic with worry." I chuckled and left the room.

When Heather came out, she had the souls in her hands.

--------2 days later--------

"Yes... yep. Uh-huh. Okay. Dad. Dad.... Dad! Yes, I'm sure! We all went off on a business trip to Australia. That's all. Nothing happened. We're are all unmarked and perfectly healthy! So please stop worrying so much!"

After we'd gotten back to England yesterday, Helena and I began learning about our future powers and wolves. We'd put the souls in a tubbaware container and stashed them under my bed. It was crazy, but we haven't even began to scratch the surface. This morning around 7, we decided to call home. Granted that it was 11pm there....

It was now 11am here. Our dad had been talking (more like screaming and shouting) to us for four hours!

"Yes, I promise to call you every other day and email you the days in between. Okay. Love you, too. Bye."

Helena walked back into the room. "He finally hung up, huh?" She smirked at me. She had escaped his lecture an hour ago.

"Yeah. So, when will we tell him about everything?" I asked hesitantly.

"Soon, hopefully. I just don't want him to worry too much. If we tell him now, he'll freak out and demand we come back." Helena sits on the edge of the desk looking conflicted.

"So we'll just have to sent Riley and Jason back so they can check in for us. There's no way we can go back, not when we've come so far-"

I was cut off by a knock at the door.

"Come in," I said.

"Hey, Heather. Can I talk to you in my office?" Marcio asked nervously.

I sighed. "Sure, I'll be right there."

"Thanks." He turned and left the room.

"Be back." I told Helena.

Once I got to his office, I remembered the last time I was here. A pang of hurt filled my chest before I pushed the door open.

"Look, Marcio-" I was cut off by his lips on mine. He shut the door and pinned me up against it with one hand without breaking the kiss. His free hand went to my waist, causing me to gasp. His plunged his tongue into my mouth eagerly.

He trailed his lips down my neck to the junction that would bear my mate's mark.

"M-Marcio. W-What are y-you doing?" I asked as I felt the lust pulsing through my veins.

"Showing you how much you mean to me. I'm making you mine." I felt him smirk against my neck. Then he went back to attacking my lips...


Hehehe. Well, I think it's about that time. But I'm not so sure about writing an actual scene for all that. What do you think? Do you think I should write a chapter for that? Or would one of you like to?

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