Chapter 9

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Holy calacas!!! I was off for a few hours, and I got like 23 reads!!! OMG!!! Thank you guys!!! I feel so loved! Hehe okay, okay. I know what you are saying: Get in with the story! I will. Here you go.

Helena's POV

Right now, I was sitting on the kitchen floor crying. Her d*ck-of-a-mate broke down my door and carried me down here. He just plopped me down into the floor and went upstairs to "take a nap".

I swear, if Heather weren't gone, or his mate, Marcus would be an only child. Or would never be an uncle... It would depend on what I ate for breakfast. Yeah... whatever, I'm upset!

I guess Marcio could hear me upstairs because he came rushing to me. If he said a single rude syllable, I was smashing his face in.

But he said one thing that I never thought I would hear leave his lips. "Are you okay?" he said sounding really concerned.

I looked at him like he was a stranger. "What the f*ck happened to the real Marcio?!" I screamed.

Marcus came rushing into the room, only to stop short. "What's wrong?" he asked worried. When Marcio looked up at him, his wolf surfaced.

"MINE!" He growled.

"Okay, dude. Yours. I get it. Calm down." Then Marcus walked out.

What is going on?! Why is Marcio, Heather's mate, acting like I'm his?! And why is my mate going along with it?!

"My love, why were you crying?" His eyes held so much raw emotion.

"I want to go see Heather..." I whisper.

"No! You will stay with me!" His eyes were black, once again.

"Please," I sobbed. His eyes softened.

"I'll go book the tickets." He left and I sat there for another hour before grabbing a bag of pretzels and running up to my room.

-----------23 hours later----------

I honestly didn't think Marcio would book the flight for today. But I guess he saw how lost I was without Heat. We have always been together. So here we are, in Sydney. I catch a faint trace of Heat's scent and head off in that direction.

Before I can take 2 steps, Marcio's arms encircle my waist. "Hold on," he says stiffly. Just then, a large, burly man steps in front of us. He smiles at me and nods towards the baggage claims area. We follow and he collects our bags after we point them out to him.

He leads us out to a large, black SUV. Once there, I stop.

"Okay, could you tell us who you are?"

The man just laughs and says, "Haha, very funny, Ms. Heather. I thought you were at the house. How did you get here?"

I gave the man a bewildered look. Then I realized, that he knew Heather. I quickly explained that I was her twin sister and that I have come to talk to her about some very important things. His eye brows shot straight up and he just started at me for the longest time.

"Oh... oh, I'm very sorry for the mix up. So who is this? I was told there was a rouge. Is this him?"

"No, this is Heather's mate, Marcio."

"I am actually your mate," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Do you see what the problem is? Can I speak to her as quickly as possible?" The man nodded and opened the back door for me to slide in. Marcio growled. "Oh my God! Just get in the car!" He did and we took off.

About an hour later, we arrived at the pack house. I jumped out of the car and barged into he house. There, on the couch, was Heather in some guy's lap.

"Heather!" I screamed. Half from surprise at her closeness with this stranger, and half from being so happy to see her again.

"Helena? What are you doing here?" she jumped up from the man's lap and look flustered.

"I came to talk to you, but I see that things couldn't be better for you!" I was trying not to be upset, but the end of that sentence was more like an accusation. The guy who she was sitting on was staring straight at me, eyes wide and full of some unwanted emotions. Lust, bewilderment, sadness. He was about to move towards me, but I grabbed Heat and booked it up the stairs. I locked us in a bedroom and looked at Heat. "Okay, the 4 of us need to talk. Shelby, Leah, please explain this to us."

'What exactly?' Leah asked.

"Explain the dreams firstly." Heat said.

'Okay,' Shelby spoke. 'But this might take a while.'


It's really short. I'm sorry. I thought it was much longer, but that might be because I was typing upside down. I am going to give you something more this weekend. I just wanted to make sure that I gave you all something since the last chapter hit the mark. Now, my feet kinda need blood, so....

Hope you enjoyed! Please:




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