Chapter 15

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Hey guys, sorry for the wait. I haven't really been motivated to do much lately. Plus, you all have been really quiet... I'd like to hear what you all think. I see the number of reads going up, but it's like no one has an opinion on how things are going.

I want to hear from you guys. Tell me about your day. Rant about some Queen B with an itch that is ticking you off.

I write to entertain you, but which one of you is going to entertain me? (Maybe that pissed some of you off, or maybe it made you want to stop reading my book. Oh well, I can't please everyone. But I still try.)

So, anyway, moving on...

Dedicated to LoveToRead1231!!❤️

Unknown's POV

My hand gently and lovingly caressed her forearm. She is so beautiful. Leaning in, I placed a kiss on her cheek.

I sigh. I really wish she hadn't left. When I found out, I was heart broken. It wasn't so much that her leaving upset me. It was more that she hadn't tried to tell me herself. Nor her equally perfect sister.

I looked over to the other table where my other love laid. When they wake up, they're going to be so happy to see me again! I had the rest of the weekend planned out.

First, we'd have an intimate and very romantic picnic. Then, we'd go for a walk through the park. And finally, we'd all return here and drink wine and chat. I don't want to move too quickly with my girls, but if they are up to it, we could hang out in my room...

This was going to be absolutely perfect!

'They aren't going to want to do any of that, you idiot! One is obviously with her true mate. When they wake up, they'll hate you,' my wolf sneered out.

'What do you know, dog?! Just shut up already. I don't need you. I've never needed you.' The mutt has been blabbing on and on about that since I'd devised my plan to get my girls back. They'll love me. They have to. Otherwise, I'll just have to keep them down here until they do.

"Mmm...?" one of my beauties moaned. They were finally waking up! Its time for the fun to begin...

I rushed to my gorgeous Heather's side. When her eyes finally opened and took in her surroundings, her sweet voice filled my ears.

"R-Ryan? Wha-!!" I captured her plump lips with my own and for once, felt at peace with the world...

Once again, I suck. But I want to leave you in suspense for a bit longer...

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