Chapter 14

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Marcus' POV

When I'd felt the pain, I knew Helena was in trouble. It's strange, a few days back, I remember feeling nothing towards her, but now, I was going Hell or high water to get to her.

After what felt like an eternity, my jet landed in Jamaica. I sprinted off the jet and through the airport to the rental car I requested be ready for me. Jumping in, I started the car and sped off to the hotel.

10 minutes later, I arrived at the hotel. When I spotted Heather's frantically pacing form, I ran to her.

"Thank Goddess you're here! What took you so long?!" Heather ranted, clearly worried about her twin.

"I know, but I'm here now. Where is she?" I walked past Heather to the open door that she was pacing in front of.

"She is still passed out, but I'm sure you-" I cut her off with a yell.

"SHE ISN'T IN HERE! WHERE DID SHE GO?! I CAN STILL FEEL HER PAIN!" I began panting as the pain became more intense.

'She is moving away...' my wolf whispered. He sounded exhausted and hurt.

'Why would she be doing that?' I questioned.

"What? She is in her bed, isn't she?" Heather asked as she came into the hotel room. "Oh crap...." Heather began to go a bit pale.

"What's wrong?" I asked as soothingly as I could.

"I don't feel too hot. And I have a bad feeling about Hel... We need to get to her as quickly as possible. We've never been apart for more than a few hours! Please!" she cried. I saw tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm going to do everything within my power to get her back in my arms." And it's true. I'd move Heaven and Earth to get her back to me. "Come on, let's see if we can catch her scent."

As we turned to begin the search, I heard Heather scream. I swung around to find her being held by a guy in a suit and sunglasses. He took off his glasses and smirked. He let Heather's limp body slump to the ground.

The syringe in his hand let off an ominous glow. Before I could lunge at him, I felt a poke in my arm, then a rush of dizziness.

"Nighty-night..." That voice...!

Helena's POV

"Ugh..." I groaned as I tried to pick up my head. As I looked around for Heather, I found that I was in a large bed. "What the-"

"I hope that sentence doesn't end with profanity. If so, I'll have no choice but to punish you, kitten..." a masculine voice said from my left. He stroked my hair lovingly, sending chills of distaste down my spine. "Don't worry. You'd enjoy it..."

"You son of a-"



Haha. I know, I make you wait ages for another chapter, then I leave you hanging just when things start to pick up. I'm awful. I know.




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