Chapter 13

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Yeah, I'm just gonna say the end of the last update was a chapter. I suck. I know.
Heather's POV

Two days ago, Hel and I landed in Jamaica for a supposed vacation. I was having fun with all of the sexy males trying to jump on (more like in... ;D ) me. But I could tell that something was off with Hel. She hasn't eaten or smiled in two days. And I'm really starting to get worried.

"My sweet mate," a perfectly tanned man with brown hair, a washboard stomach and a sexy Latin accent approached me. "Please, let me take you out tonight."

I had been thinking about Hel as he spoke to me. "Oh! I'm so sorry. Uh, maybe. Just let me go check on my sister really quickly." I abruptly rose and swiftly walked to Hel's and my room.

When I burst into the room, I was stunned by what I saw. On the floor in front of me was a very pale and very sick Helena.

"Oh my God! What happened?" I rushed to her side and gently cradled her head, too afraid to move her too much because she looked so frail.

"I'm okay. I just need to get some rest. Don't worry about me." She mustered up a weak smile, but it quickly fell. "Actually, could you carry me to my bed? I'm not sure I can make it."

Nodding, I scooped up this white bag of bones that was now my sister and carried her to her bed. I pulled the covers up to her neck and she was sound asleep.

'Go back to mate!' Leah screamed at me.

'I can't. Helena is ill!' I countered.

'We've been away from our true mate for too long. We need Marcus and his wolf...' a faint voice whispered into my head.


'Please, get him here.'

I panicked. Reaching into Hel's purse, I pulled out her phone and unlocked it. I found Marcus' contact and called him.

"Helena?! Where are you?!" Marcus's voice come from the other end of the line panicked and grief-stricken.

"Actually, it's Heather. Helena has collapsed. She's been away from you for too long. You have to come here as quickly as possible!" I could feel hot tears pouring down my face. I know this is all my fault. Hel must have bonded with Marcus before we'd left.

"I know. I can feel her slipping away. Where are you guys? I'll fly out immediately."

"We're in Jamaica. Our resort is about 10 minutes north of the central airport. Please, hurry!" The line went dead.

"I'm so sorry Hel! Had I known, I would have l-learned to put up with Marcio! T-This isn't fair! W-Why is this happening t-to you?!" I sobbed so hard that I could barely get the words out. "Moon Goddess! Please! Please help her!"

Suddenly, I was sucked into another world.

The sky was blue with a few puffy white cloud sprinkled everywhere. The rolling fields were filled with all sorts of wild flowers. My white dress billowed in the breeze. Before me was the gorgeous Moon Goddess.

"My child! You two have just as much power as I do. Use it! Look within yourself and you'll find it."

I looked down remembering our last conversation with the Moon Goddess. "Oh, yeah! Thank you-" I went to thank her, but I was back in the resort room. "Hmm..."

I snapped out of my slight daze and went to the side of Hel's bed. Taking up her hands, I thought of healing thoughts. I could feel a warmth between us, the light! And just as quickly as it had come, it left. Looking down at Helena's face, I saw the effects immediately. Her skin became it's original tan shade. Her thin lips plumped up. Her hair was thick and smooth again. But her eyes never opened.

"Marcus needs to hurry!" I thought out loud...


Decent enough, right? Oh yeah! I'm not grounded anymore! Yay! I thought my mom was much more angry than she really was. So yay! 🎉🎈

Anyway, how was it?

You know the drill! (Also, my hands are a little out of practice and are cramping up immensely!!)

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