'Just Not My Day'

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Gilbert House

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Gilbert House

Logan Fell is standing outside on the porch. Jenna is talking to him from inside the front door as Stiles watches them from the couch with popcorn in his hands, the movie he was watching paused.

"Why are you here, Logan?" Jenna asks, not in the mood to talk to him.

"I missed you. I was out of town. I..." Logan is cut off by Jenna. Stiles snorts in amusement, stuffing popcorn into his mouth.

"Yeah, I got that email."

"You got an email?" Logan looks to her in shock, Jenna gives him a confused look.

"You didn't send an email?"

"I can explain. Just invite me in and I'll tell you everything." Logan asks desperately, Stiles narrows his eyes at the comment of him asking to be invited in.

"I'm not gonna invite you in. Forget it." Jenna shots him down, and Stiles laughs silently at the whole scene that was happening right in front of him.

"Come on, Jenna. It's me." Logan tries again, Stiles scoffs at how pathetic he is.

"The answer's no."

"I know you. You're always one step from a 'maybe', a tiny nudge to 'yes'."

Jenna scoffs at him, "You just pointed out that I have no self-control. Clever Strategy!"

Logan opens his mouth to say something, but Jenna slams the door in his face. Logan, clearly frustrated with the way their conversation went, walks to the edge of the porch. He sees a neighbour take out the garbage. He walks down the porch steps and towards the man.

Jenna walks over to the couch and high fives Stiles, sitting back down and UN pausing the movie.


Outside The Gilbert House


The man gives him a polite wave and walks back towards his house. Logan walks down onto the sidewalk and watches the man leave. He breathes out heavily. Suddenly, a woman comes jogging around the corner. Logan turns around to look at her. She stares at him as she jogs past him, but stops abruptly. Logan turns to face her again.

She walks towards Logan, "Hey, you're that guy from the news, Logan Fell. I watch you every night. Well, I used to, I mean, you've been missing from my TV."

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