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Hey guys, I wanted wish everyone a Merry Christmas by posting a Christmas special of Vampire Diaries. I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a great day!! 😘



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Gilbert House

In a messy room, in a single bed, under the sheets slept Stiles. He was having an amazing dream until knocking broke him from it. Stiles groans and snuggles into the sheets deeper. The knocking continued until he got fed up with it and left the warmth of his bed and went his room door. He opens it and sees and cheerful Elena.

"Did someone die?"

Elena looks to him with furrowed eyebrows. "No?"

"Is the house on fire?"

Elena shakes her head. "No"

Stiles gives her a fake smile. "Then leave me alone." Stiles shuts the door in her face and starts walking back to his bed but only to stop at two simple words.

"It's Christmas!"

Stiles opens the door forcefully and looks to her in hope. "It's Christmas?"

Elena nods, her smile going up to her eyes. Stiles hugs her tightly before rushing out of his room and down the stairs.

He sees Jenna and Jeremy sitting on the couch where it sits in front of the Christmas tree that has a bunch of presents residing under it.

Stiles smirks and rubs his hands together in anticipation. "Oh yeah, Christmas presents here I come."

Jenna chuckles at Stiles enthusiasm. "Not yet Stiles, we have to wait for everyone."

Stiles look to her in shock and sadness. "What?"

Jeremy gives him a small apologetic smile. "Sorry Stiles But everyone wanted to open their presents together."

Stiles huffs and crosses his arms. "Well, what am I supposed to do while I'm waiting if I'm not allowed to open my presents."

Jenna gives him a mischievous look. "You can help us clean and prepare for our guests."

Stiles starts shaking his head and slowly backs up. "No."

The other three members of the household all nod together. "Yes."

Elena puts and hand on his shoulder. "If you help us then time will go quicker, and the sooner everyone gets here, the better."

Stiles turns and glares towards his cousin. "I hate you're logic."

Elena flips her hair and smirks. "I know, that's why I do it."


The Gilbert family clean and prepare for their guests, who start to roll in. Everyone had made it with their presents for everyone else, but only two people were missing, the Salvatore brothers.

Stiles groans and leans back into the couch, him facing the ceiling. "Where are they?"

Everyone chuckles, Caroline pats him on the head. "They will be here Stiles then we can open presents."

Stiles playfully glares towards Coraline. "They better." The doorbell rings.

Elena turns to him and smiles, standing. "That's probably them now."

Stiles quickly stands and rushes to the door, forcefully opening it and glaring towards the brothers. "You're late."

Stefan sends him an apologetic look. "Sorry Stiles, I had to try and get someone out of bed."

Damon smiles sheepishly towards a murderous looking Stiles. "Sorry Stiles."

"You're lucky that I like you." Stiles stands aside and let's the brothers into the house.

Everyone gathers into the lounge room and Elena starts talking. "Hey guys, Firstly, I would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas. Secondly, I wanted to thank everyone here for coming over to spend Christmas all together and I would like to start this off by giving my present to Stiles. Who waited patiently for everyone to get here and who was been through a lot with me this year."

Elena grabs a present from under the tree and hands it to Stiles. "Merry Christmas."

Stiles opens his present with everyone watching in anticipation. Stiles smile goes wide and his eyes go watery. The present is a picture of the Gilbert and Stilinski Family all together.

Stiles stands and gives Elena a breath taking hug. "Thank you." Elena squeezes him lovingly and let's go and turned to everyone with a wide smile.

"Well guys, dig in!"

Everyone gets up and starts looking for their presents underneath the Christmas tree. Stiles looks around at everyone, smiling and stops to look at Damon who nods his head to upstairs.

The couple walk upstairs and go into Stiles room. They stay in silence facing each other. Stiles pulls out a present from behind his back and hands it to Damon.

"Merry Christmas."

Damon opens it and stares in shock at his gift, a picture of him and stiles together, kissing. A message written at the bottom of the photo frame makes and a watery smile. 'I will never leave you. Together Forever. Love Stiles.'

Damon looks up to Stiles who has a worried look on his face. "Do you like it?" Damon stands still before speeding over and capturing Stiles into a loving Kiss.

"I love it, thank you for this. It means a lot to me."

Stiles smiles up to him brightly. "Good."

Damon pulls out an envelope from his pocket and hands it to Stiles. Stiles looks to his with a raised eyebrow but shrugs and opens it. He pulls out two tickets from inside, tears start coming out from his eyes when he sees the tickets. Two tickets to Beacon hills.

Stiles starts crying, to happy to say any words. Damon smiles to him genuinely and pulls him into a hug. "Merry Christmas Stiles."

The couple stay like that for a while, enclosed in each other's arms.


Disclaimer- I do not own Vampire Diaries or Stiles Stilinski, I do however own his lines and plot so please do not copy.

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