'Are Event's Always Like This?'

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Part 2

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Part 2

Mystic Falls High School

The 50's dance. Elena and Stefan's arms are linked, walk into the dance, with Damon standing close to Stiles, hands brushing together from time to time. They look around the dance floor for any sign of danger. Alaric spots Damon from the other side of the room and the smile falls from his face as he recognises who Damon is.

Elena is standing by the punch bowl with Stiles who is nervously fidgeting with his hands, Elena is trying to calm him down. Caroline and Bonnie approach.

Elena looks to them with a strained smile. Stiles looks to the girls, not smiling, then turns to the dance floor. Elena sighs before greeting her best friends. "Having fun?"

Caroline huffs in boredom. "No, but this took about two hours, so I'm at least staying half of that."

Bonnie looks to Stiles in concern. "Are you alright, Stiles?"

Stiles looks to her and gives a small smile. "Yeah. I'm fine, just not feeling that well tonight, that's all."

Bonnie, gives him a look, that shows that she doesn't believe him but doesn't press it. She looks off into the distance before scoffing.

"What's Damon doing here?"

Elena and Caroline turn to look at Damon, who is standing with Stefan. Elena turns back around.

Elena explains to them with a grimace. "He wanted to come. I promise. He'll behave. If he doesn't, then I'll send Stiles after him."

Stiles gives her a 'WTF' look, Caroline huffs in annoyance. "So what is this, like, a foursome now, you two and the Salvatore brothers?"

Elena quickly shakes her head. "No, but if I'm gonna be with Stefan, then I have to learn to tolerate Damon. Plus Stiles is friends with him, so it's not like I can kill him."

Bonnie stares at Damon. "There's a thought."

Caroline nods slowly. "Hmm. I'll help."

Caroline and Bonnie clink their glasses together. Elena looks down, trying hard not to smile at her friends' comments. Stiles finally looks around to notice he is surrounded by girls, blushing, he quickly turns around to grab some punch.

Alaric is looking towards Damon, who is standing across the room watching Stiles, his arms folded over his chest.


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