'Damon, we need to talk'

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Gilbert House

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Gilbert House

After they had came back from the 'errand', they had dropped Stiles at home. He went up to his room and locked the door, wanting to be alone, but the longer he laid on his bed, the more determined to talk to Damon. So a few minutes earlier he had called him up and told him to come over. Now he waits.

Stiles let's out a sad sigh, looking around his room. There is barely any of his things left to show it is his, he looks at a picture that sat on his bedside table. It's a picture of him and Damon laughing at something unknown and having a good time, tears start to slide but Stiles quickly wipes them away.

He checks the time on his phone, noting that he would be here soon. He's gonna do it, he's gonna tell the one person he really cares about that he is moving back to beacon hills. He doesn't know how it will go but hoping that Damon wont make a big fuss about it. He has told everyone but him, they asked if he had but said no, wanting to hold it off as long as possible.

His fingers start to strangle each other with how nervous he is, he will be leaving in a week and it's killing him. He wants to stay, doesn't want to leave everybody. Mystic falls is different than Beacon hills, everyone here at least appreciates what he does for them, not like back there where he didn't get any credit. Heck, he even got a boyfriend who loves him for him, where as Lidia didn't even look his way when he tried to impress her.

A knock is heard on the door, Stiles slowly shuffles towards it. He opens the door, and looks to Damon who is giving him a look over.

"Hey Stiles."

"Damon, come in please."

Stiles walks over to his bed as Damon walks into the room cautiously. Hoping he would find out what Stiles has been upset about. He looks around the room and notices the lack of his things, boxes scattered around on the floor and suitcases sat near his wardrobe.

"What's going on, Stiles?" Damon asks questionably. Stiles avoids looking at him in the eyes and starts talking.

"Damon, we need to talk." He starts to pace as Damon watches his every move. "What I'm about to tell you will probably make you really upset-" As Damon was about to open his mouth, Stiles cuts in before he could and talks a little louder. "-but I'm telling you that I tried to get out of it."

Damon gets closer. "What Stiles?"

Stiles breathes in. "I'm leaving."

Damon stares, shock and sadness crosses his face. "What do you mean your leaving?"

Stiles finally looks up. "That's what I mean, I'm leaving. My dad decided that I was ready to come back home, I tried telling him I didn't want to, that I was happier here, finishing off school but he wouldn't listen and ordered me that I had to come back. I'm sorry that you had to wait for so long just for me to tell you what was going on but I didn't know how to tell you or how you would have reacted."

Damon gulps, his eyes starting to get watery but nothing leaves his eyes. "How long?"

Stiles starts crying. "I have a week before I leave." Damon moves forward and gathers Stiles into a heart-felt hug.

"No matter what, Stiles. When you leave, we will see each other again, and this won't stop me loving you."

Stiles sniffles, snuggling closer into Damon. "Promise, cause I don't want you saying that and never do."

He feels Damon move his head from above his own. "I promise."

Damon picks up Stiles and lays him down onto his bed, he gets in besides him and pulls Stiles closer. Not letting go of his boyfriend, not wanting him to leave yet.


Next day

Elena is sitting on the couch, she is in her own mind trying to get her head wrapped around Stiles leaving. She couldn't believe it, even though she knew he wasn't staying for a long time she was still upset about it. Both her and Stiles had grown closer than they ever did when they were younger, she likes his weird quirks, always moving his arms when he tries to explain something he's passionate about or when he gets nervous around Damon and tries to act cool but fails miserably in the end.

She doesn't know what she'll do when he leaves, he was the only one that could keep Damon in line. A phone rings, breaking Elena out of her mind, she looks to the left and sees Damon's name popped up on her phone. Letting out a breath, she picks up.

"What do you want Damon."

"I know." Elena goes stiff.

"Know what?"

He scoffs. "Just don't Elena, I know he's leaving, he told me yesterday."

She gulps. "Are you upset with him, you didn't do anything to make him feel worse did you?"

"No, I didn't. We just spent the night together after he told me." Damon pauses. "How long did you know?"

"For a while, he's told everyone but you. He wanted to spend time with you without your knowledge on him leaving and he was nervous when he tried. He asked around for advise on how to tell you but." She sighs. "The nerves."

She hears Damon taking a drink. "I thought he was going to break up with me, I didn't know what to do when he asked me to come over so we could talk."

Elena gives a sad chuckle. "I don't want him to leave."

"Me neither."

Elena wipes her tears that had started to roll down her puffed checks. "I think we should throw him something, like a goodbye party."

"That's a good idea, I think that will at least cheer him up a little knowing that people will miss him. Also don't tell anyone what I am about to say, especially Stiles. You are the only other person I know who will probably keeps this a secret from others."

Elena looks down at her phone confused before answering. "Sure, What is it."



I know you guys wanted this story to continue and not make him go home, but I believe that I wouldn't have been able to be put him into the next season and I only planned for him to be in season 1. The end for this story is coming soon, even when this story is over, I hope you guys will enjoy my other stories that will be updated or published in the future.

Disclaimer- I do not own Vampire Diaries or Stiles Stilinski, I do however own his lines and plot so please do not copy.

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