'Stefan Is Fun?'

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Part 3Founders' Hall

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Part 3
Founders' Hall

Founders' Day 150 Year Anniversary Kick-off Party. Stefan and Damon are arrive.

"Oh god! I shouldn't be here."

Damon scoffs. "Come on, don't be a downer, it's a party for the founding families! That would be us. That would be rude to skip it."

"I really liked you a whole lot better when you hated everybody."

"Oh I still do, except Stiles. I just love that they love me." He laughs and looks at Stefan. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good, I'm fine."

"No cravings? No urges? Is that whiskey you've been drinking all day doing its job?" Stefan laughs. "We are who we are Stefan. Nothing's gonna change that."

"Ah! Nothing will make you happier to just see me given up hein Damon?"

"Whatever, it's inevitable."

"Well, I'm gonna find Elena." He leaves.

"Don't embarrass me young man!" Damon calls out. He starts to look around for his favourite human.
Stiles comes up, behind Damon and puts his hand on his shoulder saying boo. Damon turns around to see Stiles, a smirk on his face.

"Well what do you know. Stiles has finally got the jump on me."

Stiles laughs. "I have accomplished my goal in life." Damon throws his head back and laughs loudly. He calms down, he wraps an arm around Stiles waist and pulls him in, kissing him deeply.

They pull apart, Stiles breathing heavily. Damon puts his face in Stiles short hair. "Why don't we go find your cousin and my little brother?" Stiles nods.



Kelly is dancing with Stefan. Damon and Stiles rejoin Elena at the bar and the couple look at Stefan.

"Have we entered an alternate universe where Stefan is fun, Stiles?"

Stiles nods, playing along. "We must have, Damon. I don't remember ever seeing him this fun."

Elena huffs. "Is he gonna be okay?"

Damon shrugs. "Eventually. One way or another."

Damon kisses Stiles cheek before continuing to watch Stefan, he makes sure to have Stiles close.


Damon and Stiles are walking to another part of the hall and join the Sheriff.

"You know I love a woman in uniform but I have to side with this one. You look...you look smashing." Stiles turns to him with a raised eyebrow. Damon looks down at him with a smile. "Don't worry, I won't dump you for some else." Stiles nods before facing the sheriff again. She laughs.

"Thank you Damon. Don't worry Stiles, I won't steal your man. Cheers!" They clink glasses. "I needed that. You know I had my doubts about you at first but like everyone else on the council you've won me over. Especially when you have Stiles with you, he usually has good tastes." Stiles blushes.

"Thanks Liz. It's really nice how welcoming the council has been. Stiles has helped me settle in. I like my life here in Mystic Falls. Starting to feel like home again."

"Well, you're not gonna like what I have to tell you." Liz looks to Stiles, Damon catches on and shakes his head.

"It's alright, he knows."

She raises an eyebrow before continuing to speak. "Jonathan Gilbert's claims check out. Blood bank, the missing people, all of it's true. We might have a problem."

Jeremy arrives and interrupts them.

"Excuse me Sheriff. I was curious if there's been any more information about what happened to Vicki Donovan?"

"It was an overdose, Jeremy."

"Yeah, but her body was buried. Somebody must have done that."

Damon is really uncomfortable and pulls Stiles closer.

"We're aware of that. The investigation is ongoing but there's nothing more I can tell you at this time. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Jeremy walks away. Stiles and Damon look to each other with worry.


Alright guys, I have some sad news. I won't be able to update for the next two weeks. I am going on a cruise so I won't have internet to update these amazing books, so don't get all upset if you notice they aren't being updated. That is all, bye.

Check out my other books: Life Isn't So Simple With Her and The Little's Swan.

Disclaimer- I do not own Vampire Diaries or Stiles Stilinski, I do however own his lines and plot so please do not copy.

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