Chapter Two: FaceTime

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Chapter Two: FaceTime

I turn slightly in the mirror, running my hand over my belly.

There is a tiny little bump there, one so small you wouldn't notice unless you were looking. When I lie down, it sticks out much more. I just thought I was gaining weight.

My breasts have been sore, but I figured I was just going to start my period. My period hasn't come in a few months, but it's always been irregular, so I thought nothing of it.

This is why I've been so tired and nauseous in the mornings.

This is why certain scents make me want to throw up.

This is why I pee once every two hours.

So many questions run through my mind.

How far along am I?

Is the baby healthy?

Was the doctor right? Am I having twins?

Why did my parents tell me Reagan died in the womb?

Are Zane and I ready for this kind of commitment? A baby?

A baby. Maybe even two. A smile breaks out on my lips.

We're gonna have a baby. A little tiny baby, that our love created.

It's growing inside of me.

When do I tell Zane?

If I tell him now, it could affect him playing at the Super Bowl, and it's his dream to take his team for the win. It's only three days.

It's Thursday night and we fly out there tomorrow, but I need to wait until after the game to tell Zane the news.

Deciding this is the best for me, I go downstairs to the living room and turn on the TV.

I love our house. It's worth 1.2 million dollars. It has eight bedrooms, six full bathrooms and two half's. There is also five fireplaces, a rec room in the basement, a two car garage, three living rooms, a study that we made into a movie theatre, another study in our bedroom, two breakfast areas, a formal dining room, and five acres of land.

I worship this house so much. It's my sanctuary.

I think back to the last time Zane went inside of me without a condom, and the only time that rings a bell is Thanksgiving Day, he went in raw that night because it was the first time we had sex since September fifth. We were going to get the pill but I can't remember if we ever did.

Conception can be anywhere from a few hours to five days after sex.

We went to sleep that night and I went and got the pill the next morning.

If you're already pregnant, the pill won't do anything.

I think of my symptoms and sigh.

How did I not know sooner?

I have had weird cravings, nausea that usually leads to throwing up, dizziness, tiredness, sore and swollen breasts, headaches, mood swings, and heartburn.

I just never really pieced it together. With gymnastics, I was always sore, and I do gymnastics lightly now and I go with Alice all the time and help her on the side.

The doctor said my HCG levels are high, but from everything I looked up, that said it can mean nothing.

But it doesn't feel like nothing. My gut is telling me I'm having twins.

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