Chapter Twelve: Conversation

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Chapter Twelve: Conversation

I hear shouting down the hall of the hospital and I frown, looking around the room. The babies are sleeping happily in their cribs, little pacifiers hanging out of their mouths. What is all that screaming about?

The hospital room is empty aside from me and the babies, but I want to know what's going on.

Since the doctor said it's okay for me to be up and walking around, I push the covers off of me and walk over to the door. I push it open slightly to peek down the hall, but Zane is on the other side of the door reaching for the handle.

"Did you feed Tank?" I ask him.

"Yes." He says. "I got everything you asked for, I fed him, and I took him on a walk."

I smile. "Okay."

He gently slips into the hospital room and sets down the bag I asked for. I shut the door again.

"Why are they screaming?" I ask him.

He scoffs at that question.

"That screaming it a mother who gave birth around the same time last night as you."

"Well what happened?" I ask. He pauses, as if deciding if he wants to tell me. "Zane?"

"A nurse dropped her baby."

My hand slaps over my mouth.

"What?" I whisper.

"A nurse dropped her baby." He repeats. "And I guess she took the baby to the nursery...when she was told not to, and she gave the baby a bottle when she's breast feeding."

"Is the baby okay?!" I whisper frantically. "Who the hell drops a newborn?" I look at our sons with a frown. They're so little. They weigh less than a gallon of milk, and they're only three inches longer than a ruler.

"The baby is...I don't know Rosie, but the Mom is out there screaming at the nurse."

"Well she's not coming in here." I say firmly. "I don't want her in here."

"I don't either. If she drops either one of our boys, I'm suing."

"I agree." I climb back into the bed. "Who does she think she is anyways? I can't believe-"

We both jump when we hear a loud cry coming from the crib. I walk over to them and peek inside, and see Logan crying loudly, his little arms flailing around.

"Don't cry Logan, it's okay." I murmur, reaching in to pick him up.

"Is he hungry?" Zane asks.

"No, he just ate twenty minutes ago." I say. I remove his swaddle and check his diaper, which is empty.

With a shrug, I grab the burp cloth and put it on my shoulder, and I lift him up and begin burping him. He whines a little bit more and then falls silent, and a moment later he spits up.

Zane has a giant grin on his face.

"What?" I smile.

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