Chapter Fourteen: Squirt

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Chapter Fourteen: Squirt

I stare at the twins in the living room, watching the twins sleep happily.

At two months old, they're both very healthy, at nine pounds now. They're out of preemie clothes and into newborn, and I'm so happy. The baby bump went down naturally and I meet with Amber five times a week to workout. I can run about five miles in total right now. I have a some loose skin on my belly, which is okay. I'm working on it, and Amber taught me to accept it. I'm a Mama. I'm a very proud Mama. It's okay.

The twins had their doctors appointments and they're doing great. I'm such a proud Mama. They're perfectly t their two months milestones. They can do tummy time for five minutes each, although Logan doesn't like it very much. They smile when we talk to them and if they hear a loud sound, they cry, which is normal for their age. They open their hands instead of keeping them in tight fists, they see Zane and I and they know we're Mommy and Daddy, and they can lift their little chests off the floor on tummy time, and they can hold their heads up for a little while but it's shaky. They're so flipping cute.

I hear the garage door open and shut and my husband comes walking into the kitchen. I see him setting groceries on the counter, and then he walks into the living room.

"I was thinking Rose..." he starts, giving me a kiss. "We should take the twins to a pumpkin patch and get them matching outfits and take a really cute picture. It's not just us anymore. We have a family of our own, that we created together. I want to take really bomb pictures so I can brag about my sexy wife and attractive children to my six hundred and fifty thousand followers."

"Okay, I'll post them to my 1.2 million." I smile sweetly at him. He scowls.

"You know what Rose? The only reason you have so many followers is because you're famous worldwide."

"That's what being number one does to you." I shrug innocently.

"Brat." He says, his lips twitching with a smile. He lunges at me and I stifle a squeal as he tackles me onto the couch, climbing on top of me. He tickles my side and I struggle not to scream in laughter.  He lowers himself down on top of me with a giant smile on his face. "You're cute, Rosabelle Caulton. You're very cute."

"You're very handsome, Alexander Caulton." I smile up at him.

Truth is, he is very handsome. He has blue-green eyes and a vanilla and mint scent. He smells just like home to me. There's a slight stubble on his face and he looks tired, but he's so perfect. A lock of dark hair falls out of place. He reaches up and brushes it back, and I just lie there and admire him.

He didn't do his hair today, he just combed through it. I reach up and slowly run my fingers through it, and then I guide my hand down to rest on his right cheek. My eyes lock with his, searching them for a long time.

The two month appointment was this morning, and while Zane left the room to go to the restroom, I asked the doctor if we could have sex and he said yes.

It's been nearly six months, and he doesn't know.

"You know?" I murmur.

"What?" He asks. His voice is rough and I've been married to him for three years this month. I can tell when he's hard by one look at his face.

"When you left the room at the doctors, I asked if you and I could return to having sex, and he said we could."

His eyes widen and he swallows. I can physically hear it.

"And you like, want to? You know, right now?"

I glance over at the twins and he does too.

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