Chapter Sixteen: Snow Storm

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Chapter Sixteen: Snow Storm

"Are you absolutely positive that your parents are okay with this?" I ask Zane, pushing the stroller further into the mall.

"No." He says with a smile. I stop walking.


"I'm kidding." He smiles. "Let's go baby girl." He nods down the mall hallway.

"This is going to take hours." I say.

"It won't be that bad." He promises. "I'll push the stroller Rose, I want everyone to know I'm a father."

I move aside and let him push the twins in the stroller. I feel like people are watching us but it's probably because he's well known around here. He remains oblivious to the fact that everyone is watching us.

When we teach our cell phone company store, he peeks inside.

"Do you want to wait here or do you want to take them out and carry them so we can go in?"

It's crowded here and it's also the week after Thanksgiving.

"Um..." I hesitate.

"Let's take them out and show off our attractive kids." He says. "Okay?"

I smile. "Alright."

I notice a lot of people, specifically females, looking our way.

You have nothing to worry about, he's your husband, not theirs.

Zane hands the first baby to me and takes the second one, carrying our son with one hand. He steers the stroller into the store and pushes it out of the way of everyone. I glance at the two girls that are alone and our age that are looking at my husband.

"What are you looking at?" Zane asks, forcing his eyes away from the wall of phones on the wall we need to head over to. I look at him before he can notice I was looking, but his eyes are already on the girls. I look over there and see them waving flirtatiously. He smiles and waves back.

Does he not realize what they were doing?

He looks back and me and smiles, and then he leans in and kisses me right on the lips, putting his left hand on my cheek so his wedding ring is facing them. He pulls away and pecks my lips again.

"I love you Rosabelle Caulton." He murmurs. I open my eyes slowly, looking up into his eyes.

He doesn't make a comment about me getting slightly insecure about them, he just smiles and tucks my hair behind my ear. "Let's get Alice her phone."

I shift the baby in my arms and follow him deeper into the store.

"Let's get her a flip phone." He says. "She can text and call. She doesn't need instagram."

"Don't be stupid." I say. "She's going to be thirteen in April. She's old enough to have a decent phone."

"Fine. She can have an android."

"Zane." I sigh.

"You want to get her an iPhone?" He asks.

"Yes. She can have parental controls on it."

"Rose, what if she tries to watch-" he covers the babies ear with one hand and presses the other ear to his chest. "Porn?' He whispers.

"Zane, she's twelve." I say. "And if she does, she will have parental controls."

"Can you even put parental controls on an iPhone?"

"Yes." I say. "I checked on the way here."

"Fine. She can get an iPhone."

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