Chapter Thirty: Errands

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Chapter Thirty: Errands


The twins are crawling all around the living room, one darting off towards the foyer and one bolting to the kitchen to open the cabinets and pull out mixing bowls or anything else they can get their hands on. Rose is cleaning and I keep having to run after them.

"What are you doing?" I hear her ask Logan. He coos loudly and I hear her sigh. I swipe Liam off the kitchen floor and walk towards the sounds.

Logan is sitting at the top of the basement stairs and Rose is standing behind him.

"Zane! He could have fallen down the stairs!"

"I shut the door Rosie, you're the one who opened it back up." I say innocently.

I reach down and swipe Logan off the floor.

"Zane, I can't fucking do this, alright? This house needs to be baby proofed! They're going to open doors soon! They're climbing out of their cribs already! Once they start walking, they're going to get hurt! I'd like to see them go to college, and if they're not getting watched, they're going to fall down the stairs and die!"

"Well that's a bit dramatic." I mutter, shutting the basement door with my foot.

She looks pissed. She's having a bad day because she's on her period and she's cramping and she cleaned the house and now she's doing something on the computer.

"I've had my hands full for months, Zane! I know it's not your fault but I need some help, okay? I need help!"

"Okay." I say. I lean forward and kiss her. "I'll go to the store. I'll take care of it."

She sighs and rubs her forehead.

"I'm sorry, I'm being rude. I'm just not feeling good. I think I'm getting sick."

"Is it because of your period?" I ask.

Her face hardens.

"No Zane, not everything is because of my period!" She throws her hands up.

"I'm sorry." I say. "You go relax, okay? I'll go shopping with the twins."

"I'm sorry for snapping." She sniffles.

"It's okay. Do you need anything from the store?"

"No." She grumbles.

I lean in and kiss her, and then I carry the twins with me around the house and count every single outlet and doorknob we have, writing it down in my phone.

I try to think about what I need and write down three baby gates. I measure the entrance of the foyer and carry the twins to the garage to check my tools. I write down what I need and then carry the twins upstairs.

I need to go to Home Depot and Babies R Us.

I change both of their diapers and put both of them in a black onesie and black and white striped cotton shorts. I restock the diaper bag and carry them downstairs.

"Baby girl?" I call.

I hear her shout something back and then footsteps.

She walks into the kitchen looking exhausted.

"Do you need anything from the store?"

"No." She mumbles. "You just asked me, Zane."

"I'm sorry." I mumble.

She sighs.

"I'm being a brat. I'm sorry. I'm just not feeling good."

I kiss her forehead and she feels hot. She sounds nasally too.

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