Chapter Four: Ultrasound

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Okay I'm done but seriously he's so attractive


Chapter Four: Ultrasound

I lie on the bed at the doctors office. Zane got out of practice and we told our families we were going to the store.

"So your hCG level was high?" The doctor asks. I'm really nervous for some reason. I'm clutching Zane's hand closely.

"Yeah, the doctor that told me said it might be twins."

She nods slowly and grabs a bottle of gel.

"And this is your first appointment?"

"Yes." I nod nervously.

"Well just to let you guys know, some people have naturally high hCG levels. It could mean that you aren't having twins. Are you having any symptoms?"

"Um, morning sickness...dizziness, period didn't come, but it's always irregular, my breasts aching..." I trail off.

"Alright. I'm going to put the gel on your stomach, and it's going to be cold."

I take a deep breath and nod anxiously, waiting. She pours the goo and turns on a monitor, and grabs the wand, putting it against my belly. She moves it around until she finds my uterus, and then she stops.

It looks all black in there. Am I not pregnant?

Oh my god, I'm not pregnant. My hand on Zane's loosens slightly, but she moves the wand again and a little blob appears on the monitor.

"There's your baby." She smiles. "It does look like it's only one though." She clears her throat and moves the wand a little bit. "The baby looks healthy." She adds. Zane kisses my forehead with a big smile on his face. I'm grinning too. "Let's see if we can find a heartbeat..." she moves it around a tiny bit, and pauses on one spot, turning up the volume. I hear the warping heartbeat come through the speaker, and my eyes fill with tears, but then I frown.

While there is a heartbeat, it sounds...weird.

"Why does it sound like that?" Zane asks.

The doctor looks a little puzzled herself.

"It sounds like..." she pauses, moving the wand lower. The baby disappears, and a moment later, another one appears. "It was two heartbeats." She laughs. "You're having twins."

Twins, two little babies.

"And it looks like you have one placenta, which means that they're identical. That also means you're getting either two girls or two boys, because you can't have a boy and a girl that are identical."

Oh my god I'm so excited. Happy tears roll down my cheeks.

"Both of the babies are very healthy. Judging by your weight and your belly, along with the size of the babies, I'm going to say you're about eleven weeks along. Do you know of a time that you guys had sex that this could have happened?"

I pause, thinking.

"Thanksgiving." Zane nods.

She nods to herself.

"Alright. You said your period is irregular?"

"I'm an athlete." I explain. "It's always been irregular. Some months I get it, sometimes I don't get it for three months."

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