Chapter Twenty Six: Metallic Doorknobs

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Also Liam is in blue and Logan is in white. I should have posted this a long time ago

Chapter Twenty Six: Metallic Doorknobs

Rain slips down the windows, thunder rattling them. I jump slightly, watching the backyard flood.

Zane always loved the rain. He loved watching it fall. He loved the sound.

My mind wanders to him and I wonder what he's doing. Is he happy?

The twins sleep in their cribs upstairs.

I force my eyes off of the window to the photograph in my hand, a small smile on my lips.

He was always so handsome. The picture is of him sleeping on the couch. The twins were young, maybe less than two months old, maybe more. His arm is across their bodies so they don't fall off the couch. He looked so peaceful.

Today is June 12th, my thirty first birthday.

I politely asked my family to leave me alone.

I lived with my parents for two months. I couldn't stay here, but I came home and I saw he didn't come by to take this things. Alice told me that he's okay. He's sad and he told her he feels like he made a mistake.

He's confused and he's struggling.

I want to help him but I don't know how.

I watch his instagram and I see Alice a lot. I've invested all of my time in teaching her gymnastics. I don't want to go back to work because teaching reminds me of Zane.

Truthfully, everything reminds me of Zane.

I spoke to him one time about about a month and a half ago. He asked me if I knew if he had a Spotify account, and I texted him back the username and password.

That was the last time I spoke to him.

The twins are crawling now, pulling themselves up to their feet by the furniture, and walking around the house with the help of my hands.

I wish Zane was here to see it. He would be delighted.

Madison and James started distancing themselves from me about a month or so ago but I see Alice almost every day.

It's hard to think that a year ago to the day I was pregnant and I had a husband who would come home from the grocery store with a coloring book or a puzzle or something to entertain me. I had a husband who would whisper to my belly every night.

I feel like he's dead, but I know he isn't.

I look up from the photo of him and walk into the kitchen. I set the photo on the counter and preheat the oven to four hundred.

It's already around seven tonight and I know I need to wake up the twins soon or they won't sleep tonight.

I head for the stairs but right when I reach them, the doorbell rings.

Well they must be awake now.

Sighing softly, I turn from the staircase to the front door. I unlock the deadbolt and pull it open.

My heart launches into my throat at the sight before me.

A familiar black pickup truck is parked in my driveway, and Alexander Caulton stands before me, bracing himself against the doorframe. His eyes are red like he's been crying and he looks exhausted. His clothes are soaked, his air stuck to his face. It's pouring outside.

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