Chapter Eleven: Hospital

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Chapter Eleven: Hospital

I've been sitting here for what feels like forever. It's 11:30 already according to the time on Zane's clock. The twins are laying close together, sleeping peacefully. I wrapped my sweatpants around them in case they went to the bathroom. I want to get them to the hospital to get them clothed and cleaned. I'm so scared. When is Zane going to come back? It's been almost an hour!

I notice strange marks on Liam's arm, and I lick my finger and use my saliva to wipe off the goo. He has marks all down his right arm. A birthmark. It goes from his shoulder to his wrist. Logan stirs slightly, sticking his thumb in his mouth.

Liam makes a sucking sound, suckling with his mouth, and then he moves a little bit, and I put my hand on his belly because he's closest to the edge.

I hear a noise in the back of the truck and twist around. Zane. Oh thank the lord.

He does something in the back and tosses a red tank for gas in the trunk, and then he opens the passenger door, his eyes wide.

"Are they okay? Are you okay?"

"Yes, we're fine."

"How are you feeling?" He asks, looking at me and then our sons.

"I'm sore." I admit. "And very tired."

"Well I ran four miles to a gas station and got a red tank and put some gas in the truck, and then I ran back." He smiles softly at me. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes Zane, I just want to get to the hospital so the twins can get checked out."

He nods in agreement and pushes the clutch in, starting the truck.

The engine roars to life, and both twins stay sound asleep. He helps me lift them safely into my arms, and then he puts his truck in first gear and starts driving, carefully pulling back onto the interstate.

The radio is shut off and he's driving so carefully that people are going around him.

"Why are you going so slow?" I ask.

"Because you don't have your seatbelt on and the twins aren't in car seats." He says calmly.

I say nothing else, I just look down at our boys, one head in the crook of each of my arms. I have the cords awkwardly pinched between my fingers.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.

"I'm tired." I reply.

"We're going to go to my Mom's work, because she's on call tonight."

"Okay." I say.

The drive to his Mom's hospital is much shorter than the one in Milwaukee, and fifteen minutes later we're pulling into the ER.

Zane gives me a soft kiss on the cheek and gets out of the truck. He comes back less than a minute later with Madison and a wheelchair. He's talking quickly to her, and I shift slightly so he can open the door.

"Oh god." Madison says.

"Meet your grandsons." I laugh anxiously.

"You pushed them out right there? Without an epidural?"

"Yes." I nod.

"Give me one minute, okay?" She says. I nod. She peeks over my shoulder at the twins and smiles, and then she rushes back into the hospital.

Around a minute later she comes back with a tray. She had gloves on this time and a doctor is with her. She puts the clamp on the umbilical cords and cuts them, freeing my babies from me.

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