Chapter Three: Text Message

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Chapter Three: Text Message

I sit in the hotel room in Dallas, my stomach churning. My nausea has been horrible all day. I woke up and ran straight for the bathroom, and the plane ride was spent with me breathing in a bag.

When the plane landed, I quietly told the flight attendant I was pregnant and I needed off the plane, and she let me be the first one off.

I ran straight to the bathroom and threw up.

On the bus to the hotel, I kept my head against the window and had to keep breathing into a bag.

Now I'm finally in the hotel in Zane's room, and I'm ripping through his suitcase looking for a pair of clear clothes.

None. He hasn't done any laundry.

I find myself smiling as I zip up his suitcase and search the room for any spare laundry. I grab my wallet and and the room key and slip out of the room, onto the elevator.

I bring his whole suitcase downstairs and into the laundry room, popping some money into the machine. I put all of his clothes in the wash and get some detergent, and then I sit back as the wash works.

My phone vibrates.

Hubby: are you here yet

Me: yes I'm doing your laundry. You didn't have any clean clothes

Hubby: you were in my suitcase?

Me: yeah

Hubby: you should come to the stadium

Me: your wash is in the wash

Hubby: :(

Me: I'll come when it's finish but how do I get in

Hubby: I'll send someone. Bring everyone it'll be fun

I don't want to go at all. I feel horrible and I want to go to bed, but it's for my baby, and I've missed him so much.

Me: alright

Three hours later the bus was rolling to a stop in front of the stadium. I text Zane the moment we're standing outside.

Me: we're here

I'm so excited to see him. We move closer to the doors and I see the message go to read, and then he doesn't reply.

Nauseous, I lean against the wall of the building.

"Belle, are you alright?" Vanessa asks. "You look miserable."

"She's right sweetheart." Mom puts her hand on my forehead. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I wave them off, although I'm feeling slightly dizzy.

Madison walks over to me and grabs my wrist to check my pulse.

"Belle, your heart is pounding." She says calmly.

"I'm fine." I insist.

The door to the stadium is thrown open and a random guy comes walking over to us.

"You guys are Alex's family?" He asks. We all nod, and he nods towards the stadium doors.

We all start to walk, and we reach a flight of stairs and my entire body tells me not to go up the stairs, but I do it anyways.

When we reach the top, I'm sweating.

He brings us to stadium seats where the Packers are on the field, and my eyes search for number ten. I see Zane in his helmet, and we all settle down to watch. Vanessa sits on my left and Mom sits on my right.

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