Chapter Twenty Nine: Purple Water

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Chapter Twenty Nine: Purple Water


I can feel the tense atmosphere and I feel guilty.

I feel guilty for upsetting Madison, even though didn't do anything.

Zane doesn't need this. He's been through so much and he's trying to recover and come back okay, but now Madison is pissed at me and my husband is stressed.

He doesn't need to be stressed about anything.

We've been sitting in silence for an hour. All three of them greeted Zane and the kids and me, except for Madison, who acted like I wasn't even there.

Now I sit at the table, waiting for somebody to say something.

"Is somebody going to say something?" Madison finally speaks up.

Everyone looks at me.

At me. Why the fuck are they looking at me.

If this wasn't my husbands family, I would tell them to get the fuck out.

Madison is practically glaring at me.

"I'm waiting for you to apologize." I say coldly.

She scoffs.

"Me? What do I have to apologize for?"

"First of all, I sat there for an hour and fifteen minutes waiting for Alice today." I begin, trying to keep my voice level even though my blood is boiling. "And I was calling you and James trying to figure out where she was."

"Which is why I should get a phone." Alice mutters.

The one we got her last year just never ended up happening. I took it back to the store after talking about it with Madison and James. Christmas was spent with a husband who had no clue who his family was.

"And finally you answer the phone and you go off on me. It was rude for me to sit there and wait while Zane was home with the twins-"

"They're his children. He can spend time with them." She says immediately. "You've had them to yourself for months, and-"

"Mom." Zane says. "You think Rose wanted to have them to herself?"

"Well she wouldn't let anybody else come over!"

"Why should I sit around and call you all day when you never spoke to me anyways?" I ask impatiently. "For the first two months after the divorce, I was with my Mom and I saw you all the time, and then I moved out and you guys didn't talk to me."

"We weren't invited over."

"You don't need an invitation!" I snap. "And you damn well know that! How long have I been with your son?!" She glares at me.

"You act like you're the only one who was affected by everything that happened." She snaps.

"Aside from him, me and the twins were affected the worst!"

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