part IX

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sunlight was a bitch. especially when it's 9 am and colliding with your eyelids just perfectly. especially when mitchel cave has his arms encircling you but the sunlight disturbs you so you have to shift around.

my entire body was sore and i wasn't confident if it was from the late night or from the violence of he who shall not be named. i couldn't lie, mitchel made me feel ten times better the previous night but nothing could blot out the painful recollection of clinton.

and as if on cue, there was a rap on my door. i reckoned it was my mail or something and rolled out of my place in bed, padding to the door and opening it.

the wood creaked underneath my feet and i yawned, my fatigue still visible. as a matter of fact, it was not my mail. it was jessie. she immediately attacked me in a hug, a smile on her face.

"i've missed you soooo much lara, i'm sorry for ghosting you but i guess i was just a little hurt. i love you way too much to leave you alone forever though. let's get lunch?"

i had no conclusion on what to do. "um maybe. could you give me a few hours?" she nodded her head briskly. "yeah, of course, are you all goo-" her remarks rushed out of her mouth but were swiftly stopped as her jaw dropped.

a shirtless mitchel slowly walked into the room, his eyes shut as he was rubbing the sleep from them. his hair was unkempt, a small pathway of hair leading down his chest.

his jeans were pulled down somewhat, a calvin klein underwear band being shown over the waist of his pants. "hey love, who's at the door?" he yawned, his aussie accent coming through.

i glanced between jessie and mitchel, knowing completely what it seemed like. her mouth shut and she seemed at a complete loss for words. i had tangled hair and bruises and he was shirtless and yawning at my house at 9 am.

"jessie it's not what it looks like," i stuttered, but i knew nothing could repair this. "you're a real bitch, you know that?" she spit, distress evident on her face.

her face screwed up in a heated emotion that i had never seen previously. "first you leave me at some random club for some random guys that i introduced you to and now you're hooking up with the guy that i used to like?" her voice was growing thunderous and i knew every neighbor could hear this.

"listen, it's really not what it looks like," mitchel supported me. his face betrayed how agitated he felt as he attempted to help me. "you just have to hear the whole story."

jessie rolled her eyes, a tear rolling down her cheek in addition. "yeah well actions speak louder than words you cunt." she directed at mitchel this time. his eyes turned dark.

mitchel seemingly didn't like people disregarding him. "never fucking talk to me again." she snapped towards me. "and one last thing...both of you can rot in hell."

and with that, the door slammed in my face. my mouth fell open for a moment, at a loss for words. so first i was pretty much assaulted, and now my best friend wished i would rot in hell.

he instantly gritted his teeth. "what a whore." he growled. charmingggggg, laralyn. you're doing just terrific, aren't you? i moved from the door, trying to react unaffected but a few tears somehow made their way onto my face.

i already looked like trash from the preceding night's occurrence and now this was adding onto it. "babe don't cry." mitchel talked quietly, wrapping his arms around me.

"my life is honestly going to shit." i uttered into his chest. "now my best friend hates me." i breathed in his comforting fragrance, his soft skin enveloping me. mitchel exhaled and lead me to the sofa

"your friend is a drama queen." he laughed gently. "she ignored you for a month cause you left her at a club when you texted her and called her and she never responded. she's a drama queen and completely selfish." he determined, rubbing my shoulder.

as i opened my mouth to retaliate, the doorbell rang once more. "oh fuck." i whined. "don't worry, i'll get it. and if it's that over dramatic bitch, then i'll slam the door in her fucking face." he said decidedly, rising up with confidence.

i couldn't help but suppress a giggle as he got up to open the door. he looked like an entire snack shirtless and i intended to take it in as much as possible.

my eyes scanned his body, the way his muscles flexed gently in his back, the way he paced over to the door, just everything. which was swiftly ruined as it was christian at the door, a gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream in his hand.

his golden hair was pulled into a moderate bun and he was clad in a simple white tee and black jeans that were folded up at the bottom. he quickly considered mitchel shirtless and widened his eyes.

"dude you did not..." he trailed off, peering beyond mitch to see me on the couch. he gave me a facial expression like what the fuck?? mitchel huffed and shook his head, noticeably tired of everyone's presumptions.

"no dude, we didn't. i literally just stayed the night to comfort her. i'm leaving anyway, i have someone i need to speak to." he countered, venom in his voice. he turned on his heel and retreated into the bedroom where i'm sure he grabbed his shirt.

christian looked at me and mumbled "someone's sassy today," where i couldn't help but giggle. he walked in and placed the ice cream in my fridge. i shook my head quickly and whined, hunger consuming my stomach as i became conscious of the fact i hadn't eaten in forever.

"nooo, let's eat it now." i begged and he grinned widely, taking it back out and grasped a couple  spoons. at that moment a completely clothed mitchel appeared.

his hair looked rather better as he had pulled it into a messy bun with some hair shaping his face. "well, i'm gonna go." he said, glancing at christian and then looking at me.

i wasn't confident if i was supposed to hug him or say something or just act ordinary. i wanted nothing else more than to experience one more hug from him but now christian was here.

"oh, well i'll see you around then?" i said hopefully. "yeah maybe." he retorted quickly, his eyes dashing to christian. well then. he went to exit but cursed under his breath and strode towards me, giving me a firm hug.

"have a good day beautiful, i'll check on you later, okay?" he whispered in my ear. i flushed and nodded. "okay," i answered, a small smile slipping onto my face as he caressed my cheek with the back of his hand.

and with that he left. christian didn't hear our exchange and shrugged, in the middle of microwaving the ice cream to soften it. "wow, he doesn't hate you anymore." "he never hated me." i retorted, rolling my eyes and standing up.

"sure seemed like he did for a long while." he countered. "well, things aren't always as they seem." i uttered, a little too quickly. i trooped into the kitchen area and obtained the ice cream and a spoon from him.

christian looked at me and grinned. "tell me everything."


if any of y'all like jessie y'all are hoes i stg she so selfish mm. i would kill her character off but this is fanfic and i ain't tryna do that. sound off about this chapter in the comments please? and vote it up, it means a lot!! much love babes x

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