part LIII

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*mitchel's pov, one month later*

she was so nervous, for no real particular reason. "baby, it will be fine," i promised her.

lara looked at me, heaving out a sigh. "this is kind of a big deal you know? finally meeting your parents, flying out to a whole other country," she countered.

i nodded, trying to put myself in her shoes. we had flown out to australia for a cookout, which was tomorrow, and then we would be staying for a whole month and leave after christmas. it was probably super nerve wracking for her.

"well, it's just a cookout. as long as you don't insult her food, we'll be fine," i laughed slightly, my eyes trailing through the hotel room we had.

she leaned back on the bed, waving my joke off. "i would introduce you to my parents sometime but i don't think they care exactly what i'm up to," she replied.

i nodded my head in understanding, laying down on the bed with her. "well think of it this way, since you're dating me, you have a whole new set of supportive parents," i replied, referring to my mom and dad.

she nodded, intertwining a hand with mine. "as long as they like me, that is."

i sighed in frustration. "lara, you are perfect, who wouldn't like you?" i retaliated.

she shrugged, looking away as we sat in silence for a few minutes. i ran a hand up to her hair, playing and braiding the strands as i knew she loved when i did it. i could tell she was jittery about the cookout tomorrow and i wanted to try to help somehow, in any way possible.

"i will say," she said, after the silence, "your country is beautiful. it puts america to shame."

i shrugged. "i've lived here my entire life so it doesn't seem like anything special to me."

she turned on her side, eventually facing me again. "you have to take me adventuring in the outback," she giggled.

i shook my head quickly. "no m'am. unlike you, i actually care about my safety, and you know, not dying."

"oh come on! you can't be like my bear grylls?" she glowered sarcastically.

"okay, number one, bear grylls is british. number two, we've been over this how many times? i am a scrawny white boy that is moderately afraid of spiders. you are truly crazy if you think i could protect anyone in the outback, much less myself," i sighed.

she made a face and looked up at the ceiling. "okay, and what happens if we move in together and you see a spider?"

i gave her a mischievous glare, shaking my head. "you make the mistake of thinking i can actually stand you enough to live with you."

she gasped in mock offense, "and i thought you loved me."

i shook my head, pressing a smooth kiss to her lips. "i do love you baby. but i'm bored, so where do you want to go?"

lara sat up, stretching out her limbs. "you say that like i actually know anywhere to go. this is your country, headass."

i laughed slightly, still laying back as the wheels of my mind turned, trying to figure out where i could take her that wouldn't be a total bust. ten minutes passed by of laralyn humming and watching tv, the occasional impatient groan slipping out of her mouth.

i eventually sat up, looking at her. "are you ready to go somewhere? because i kinda have a perfect idea sweetheart."

she peered at me, one eyebrow raised in perplexity. "yeah, just give me a second." she hopped off the bed, walking to the full length mirror of the hotel room we had here. she leaned her head down, pulling her strands of light brown hair into a ponytail.

i watched as she applied powder to her face, still thinking the things every stereotypical boyfriend thought. she was so beautiful, even without the makeup she so commonly wore. but i wasn't dumb enough to tell her she "looked better without it", because as gorgeous as she was without it, i knew she enjoyed the makeup and she still looked amazing with it.

a few minutes later she was done, and i stood up, making sure my mess of bun and braids was decent as i surveyed myself in the mirror. with that, i intertwined my fingers with hers and led her out of the hotel room.

twenty minutes later, we arrived at a place that used to be a positive reprieve for me when i was a kid. the aquarium.

it seemed completely lame to her i'm sure, but as a kid i loved this place beyond words, and it felt kind of cool to be able to take the woman i loved through my country and old favorite spots.

she looked at me as we walked through the entrance. "you know, believe it or not, i've never been at an actual aquarium before."

i turned to her, giving a look of disbelief. "well, that makes this ten times cooler."

i let her lead the way, walking with her as i watched her scan the little fish habitat, giggling and pointing out what her favorite colors were of the fish. it was interesting i guess, but my favorite part of this whole ordeal was watching her eyes light up as she watched a new sea creature pass before her vision.

a while later, i tugged on her hand like a kid, laughing scarcely. "we have to go see the sharks. those are like....epic."

"those are like...epic," she giggled, mocking me. i rolled my eyes but she complied as i led her through the maze of habitats to the big one in the middle of the room.

she let out a gasp as a huge great white swam in front of us, excitement pouring out of her. i wrapped an arm around her shoulder, running my fingers up and down her arm as we watched the sea life.

i leaned to her, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "i'm so happy i can do this with you."

she looked at me, her attention blinking from the sharks to me. "what do you mean?"

"like...i can take you the places that made me happy as a kid. i can share my old life with you, while creating a new beautiful one with you at the same time," i replied honestly.

she smiled brightly, one of my most favorite smiles i think i had ever seen, and leaned up on the tips of her toes, pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

"i think i want forever with you, mitchel."

i smiled against her lips, nodding my head and agreeing, the beautiful colors of the aquarium stilling behind our figures, creating a picture perfect moment.

"you are my forever, laralyn."


i don't even know if i have any readers anymore tbhhh but enjoy this chapter lmao!! anyway we are nearing the last big event of the story, which i'm so excited about, so don't give up on me yet !

for better or for worse // mitchel cave (completed)Where stories live. Discover now