part XXXI

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*jessie's pov*

i really didn't think i was ever going to have this opportunity but it seemed to be presented to me on a golden platter almost. laralyn was asleep back at her apartment and mitchel and the boys had just gotten to their house.

and now i was here, standing at their front door and i had a really good feeling about this whole ordeal. i knocked on the door of the house, trying to hide the smirk playing on my face.

if i wanted this to work, i would need to act at least a little sad, no matter how untrue those feelings were. the door was opened by christian and he sat there for a moment, studying me.

"care to explain why you're here?" he instantly spit, not even offering a hello. i rolled my eyes, pushing past him into the house. "i have some important business to attend to. care to tell me where mitchel is?"

his face went cold as he shut the door behind me. "if you and mitchel are hooking up, i swear to G-" and then his sentence was interrupted by a rather tired looking mitch.

"why is jessie here?" he immediately inquired as he walked into the room, giving me a look. i bit my lip and spoke softly. "it's kinda personal. i need to talk to you about laralyn."

his eyes showed worry as he nodded quickly and lead me up to his room, pointing at the desk chair while he sat on the edge of his bed. i sat on the chair, twirling a piece of hair around my finger.

he looked at me expectantly. "are you gonna tell me what's up or do i just need to kick you out of the house? because your presence isn't very welcome here if you couldn't tell."

i sighed and rolled my eyes. "i'm here being a good friend to you mitchel. you're gonna owe me one after this," i replied.

he scoffed and made a motion with his hands. "hurry up then."

i smiled and pulled my phone out of my pocket. "well, remember that party laralyn went to last night? would you care to know some details?"

he sighed and put his head in his hands. "if you came here to gossip about a fucking frat party, you need to go."

i shook my head. "oh i wish that was the case. it's really going to hurt to see this mitch." i went into my camera roll and gave mitchel my phone. "play the video." i murmured.

he had a perplexed look on his face as he pressed play, but his emotions changed as he watched the video of his beloved lara grinding on another guy's lap while she practically forced her tongue down his throat.

his hands shook as the video stopped and he gave me my phone back. "what the fuck was that?" he muttered in a dark tone.

"a video of laralyn cheating on you." i replied, false sympathy flooding into my voice. i had to act sad for him or else my true intentions would be obviously shown.

anger took over his expression. "why the fuck would she do that? is she fucking insane? is she dumb? why the hell?" he yelled, but his voice broke as a tear came rolling down his cheek.

i got off of the stool, sitting beside him on the bed and wrapping an arm around his shoulder as he tried not to let the tears get the best of him. "shhhh it's okay. she didn't deserve you anyway."

he didn't respond as he put his head in his hands, covering his emotions from me. i leaned in, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek. "i know how to help." i whispered.

he looked up at me, his eyes turning red from the tears leaking from them. "and how is that?"

"like this." i murmured, leaning in and pressing my lips to his. i could feel his shock as he pulled away from me after a second.

"you must be fucking crazy if you think i would ever do anything like that with you. i rejected you once and i'm doing it again. as much as lara hurt me, i'm currently in a relationship with her and i'm not having you destroy that. i would thank you for telling me but i don't think you did it for the right reasons. so honestly, i don't want you or laralyn to ever talk to me again. fucking get out of my house." he spit, pure hatred overtaking his voice as he pushed me off of him.

i bit my lip and glanced at the ground. how could laralyn fuck up everything yet still stop me from getting what i wanted? i got up, gathering myself as i gave mitchel a look.

"i did this to help you mitchel. you think i would deserve something in return."

he laughed a cruel cold laugh as he looked at me. "baby, i don't think you could ever possibly deserve me. you're a terrible friend and i feel truly sorry for anybody who likes you. you should leave, i'm fixing to go over to her place anyway. if you wanted us to break up, you got that at least. too bad you'll never get me."

i gasped at his words, not understanding how he wasn't even slightly vengeful. he didn't even want to stoop to her level for a second, and as irrational and angry he acted, you think he would.

i shook my head, flipping him off and storming out of the room. i was met by christian at the front door. he stopped me from leaving with his arm as he studied my angry and disheveled appearance.

"what's the problem love?" he inquired, false kindness dripping in his words.

i gave him a look and pushed past him.

"i destroyed mitchel's life and if you ever try to fucking talk to me again, i'll destroy yours too."


oh dear reader, things are just beginning. you don't even know what's to come👀 want more?? comments and votes always help me update fasterrrr :) i appreciate all the love i've gotten for this fic🌹

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