part XLVII

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*jesse's pov*

praying. praying that mitchel would somehow ignore this. he would come back from his date with laralyn and wouldn't be mad. hell, maybe he would shake my hand for helping him out, even though that wasn't my intention.

to be honest, my intention was hopefully lara would have felt something for me too. i realize now how absolutely stupid that is to think that maybe i could have a chance with her.

she had always been mitchel's, even when they weren't together. but i couldn't help how i felt. i couldn't help the way my gut twisted in longing when clinton told me how he was going to reunite with them. i couldn't help the way despair took me over when clinton came home raving about how good it went.

i sighed and brushed a hand through my hair, trying to take my mind off of what happened. i knew mitchel would be home any second now, it had been a few hours since he was at the restaurant and clinton told me he spilled the beans.

mitchel and clinton were more alike than they liked to admit. they both had indisputable anger issues, even though clinton had gotten much better about it. they both overreacted, emotions seemed to control every detail of their life.

i knew if mitchel tried to physically hit me, i would easily be able to deflect that. i just didn't want to see his disappointment, his hurt that he held against me.

i slid off my bed, exhaling and padding downstairs to find a beer. i needed some alcohol to get through the next day or two. i walked through the spacious living room and into the kitchen, and saw christian with a beer in his hand at the counter.

"you're day drinking too? seems like we both have some serious problems." i tried to laugh, even though a feeling of fear was twisting through my stomach like a knife.

christian looked up at me and shot me a small smile. "yeah, clinton told me about what happened."

i looked down and nodded, shuffling to the fridge and grabbing a bud light, snapping the cap off of it and taking a large gulp.

i set the can down and winced. "yeah, how much you want to bet mitchel will be insanely angry?"

christian shrugged and gave me a sincere look. "maybe he won't be. i mean honestly, you kinda did him a favor. if you hadn't drunkenly fucked laralyn, then he wouldn't be able to get back with her. so he probably won't be mad-"

"jesse, you motherfucker, where are you?" i heard mitchel's voice scream suddenly.

i winced and took another drink of beer and watched christian chuckle a little to himself. "maybe i was wrong," he sighed.

mitchel strode into the kitchen and spotted me instantly. "i'm trying to figure out if i need to beat your ass or give you a hug."

i leaned against the counter and bit my lip. "well, preferably not beating my ass. i mean, i did give you another chance with laralyn." i put a enthusiastic lilt into my voice, trying to sound happy.

he sighed and nodded. "true, but you also fucked my girlf- ex girlfriend. that wasn't cool, especially behind my back." he seemed very agitated, clenching his fists and trying to control his breathing.

i stepped back a bit, already taking on a defensive stance. " i was drunk mitchel, i wasn't trying to betray you. you're my practical brother, i wouldn't do that to you," i lied through my teeth.

mitchel shook his head and looked at the floor. "why were you at her apartment in the first place?" he questioned.

christian was watching all this happen as i tried to stutter out a response.

"mitchel, it's done and over with. you don't need to grill him, he already apologized," christian interjected.

i could tell he just didn't want a fight but mitchel snapped a look towards him. "shut the fuck up, this isn't your place to talk. i didn't hook up with alexa, did i?"

christian's eyes flashed with noticeable anger as he stood up. "we don't talk about her," he mumbled, a mix of emotions coming out in his voice.

i sighed and stepped between the two. "guys, this is no reason to fight. let's just be rational."

"says you? the guy who fucked my girl," mitchel snarled. i could tell his anger was getting more and more out of control, his fingers strangling the edge of the counter while he huffed breaths in and out.

"okay, well we can rationally talk about this. i was at laralyn's apartment because she practically disappeared off the face of the planet and drunk me was dumb and decided to check on her. i'm a dumbass drunk. laralyn was angry about the break up and that's why she decided to have sex with me, and i was too fucked up to realize what i was doing. okay? i'm really sorry mitchel, laralyn and i already agreed that we have no romantic interest in each other and it was a mistake. please just chill out a bit," i sighed, my eyes scanning his facial features.

mitchel bit his lip, soaking in my words. "laralyn didn't mention you were drunk, but she talked about how she was angry and that was why she had sex with you," he replied, an observant tone slipping into his voice.

i hadn't thought about the fact that lara could easily expose the fact that i was most definitely sober when we had sex, but she probably didn't want to dwell on this anymore than i did. i just hoped my story lined up with her's.

mitchel suddenly stalked forward, his lanky legs carrying him forward to where he was standing precariously in front of me.

soon his fist swung and made immediate contact with my nose, and i swore i heard some cartilage rip. i stuttered back, blood dripping onto the floor as i glared at him, ready to beat the shit out of him.

"what the actual hell was that?" i muttered, standing up straight.

"there. we're even. this fight is over. you deserved a punch in the nose, and probably much more than that, but since you did kind of help me with my relationship, i'm holding off on you. we're settled jesse. now give me a hug, you motherfucking rascal," he laughed, stepping in to wrap his thin arms around my torso as my head tried to spin around what was happening.

"we're good?" i mumbled, still nursing my nose a bit as mitchel punched a lot harder than i thought he could.

"yeah. but if you so much as think about that night you had with lara, i won't stop at a punch," he replied nonchalantly, before striding out of the kitchen and leaving me and christian staring in shock.

"well...yayyy. we're all one big happy family again," christian said, trying to lighten the mood.

"shut up christian," i snapped, strolling out of the kitchen and shaking my head.

laralyn would never be mine, and i had to accept that.


hmm, has mitchel's anger issues gotten better??🤔 idk idk. anyway, here's an update. wattpad been hella inactive so it took a while to hit my read goal for the next chapter. either way, leave some feedback and a vote pls!! much love xx💗💗

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