part XXVI

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today was the day. the past few weeks had been torture, i hadn't done much and all i could think about was this. my mind was spinning as i smashed the snooze button on my alarm clock.

my eyes took in the numbers that flashed on the clock screen. 5 am. naturally, i would've hated getting up this early, but i had good cause this morning. i wobbled out of bed, examining myself in the full length mirror beside my bed.

i had the worst possible case of bed head, and a breakout was starting to form on my chin. wonderful. i rolled my eyes and lugged myself to the bathroom, flicking on the lights.

i grimaced as the harsh light blasted into my eyes and i squinted at the ground, attempting to let my eyes become accustomed. i finally blinked some and looked at myself in the mirror again.

i looked worse up close, but i shrugged, knowing makeup and a flat iron could work wonders on me. 45 minutes later, i emerged from my bathroom, no longer looking dead.

i thrust open the doors of my closet, biting my lip as i scanned the rack for something that would let mitchel see just how much he was missing out on tour.

we had been constantly calling each other, i had people facetime me during their performances, and i was probably as close as possible to him without actually being with him.

i was so concerned about tour life and the possibility of him cheating, but mitchel hadn't gone clubbing once. after every performance he immediately went back to the tour bus and facetimed me for as long as possible.

i had told him that he could go out and have fun, and i did feel really bad for taking away the fun parts of tour for him but he insisted on staying with me. he always said that he never wanted me to doubt how much he loved me and this was his way of proving it.

the past month and a half had been a pain but knowing i got to see him again in a matter of only hours, made me feel an excitement that couldn't possibly be expressed in mere words.

i finally decided against my earlier tactic of making mitchel jealous in a way, because i knew the five hour flight was probably gonna suck if i tried to wear a tight spandex dress or something.

i put on a pink velour adidas jumpsuit and finally took a good last look at myself in the mirror again. i had already packed my bag last night for the next few days so all i had to do was get up and go to the airport.

i was practically shaking with excitement as i pulled my small duffel bag onto my shoulder and exited my apartment complex. i had called an uber and soon slid into the back seat of the car.

my driver and i made small talk as he delivered me to the airport. "where ya flying off to?" he asked, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.

"new york. my boyfriend is in a band and they've been on tour, so i'm flying to visit them and see their nyc show." i explained.

the driver was older and he broke out in a smile. "ahh, young love. i wish you guys the best." he responded as he dropped me off near the entrance. i couldn't help but grin as i walked into the cold airport.

today was already going amazing, and the fact that i would get to hold the love of my life in my arms in several hours made this entire month without him worth it.

words couldn't explain how fucking proud i was of mitch. my happiness and bliss were rudely interrupted by the fact i was soon being carted through a medical detector and spent the next 30 minutes being checked and prodded.

finally, i emerged on the other side and beelined to the little airport store, grabbing a coke and some gummy worms, knowing that i forgot to eat. my mind snapped to mitch and how he always checked on me constantly to make sure i was eating 3 meals a day while he was gone.

i giggled at the thought of my braid boy and bought the snacks, on cloud 9 as i settled into a chair and waited for the flight to start boarding. mitchel had bought the tickets and insisted i fly first class, so i felt a bit better about the plane ride.

i only had really been on a a plane once, and that was when i flew to los angeles. my section was called and i boarded, instantly shuffling the music on my headphones and trying not to pay attention to the people around me.

i let my eyes close as i thought about how new york might be. i had never been and being able to explore it with my other half just seemed too good to be true. i knew there would only be one part of this entire trip that was going to suck.

leaving mitchel would be hard, but i knew it wasn't going to be too bad because after new york he had a week or so left and then he would be back in my arms.

we could hang out every day and everything would be back to normal. i missed him so much these past several weeks but i knew he loved tour. it broadened his horizons and his adoration for performing was amazing.

i was equally excited to see christian as i had missed his random appearances at my door, with chinese takeout and ice cream. he occasionally brought frozen yogurt, much to my dismay but i still missed his company. hell, i even missed clinton a bit.

but i missed mitchel more than anyone on this earth. he truly held a passion and talent that was unparalleled to anyone i had ever met. turbulence shook the plane and i breathed out slowly, my eyes still closed as i tried to think about new york.

soon, my breathing slowed and i drifted off into a sleep, the plane speeding toward my happiness.


sorry i haven't updated in a while, i've been busy getting ready for my chase concert which happened thursday!! i had so much fun and ended up meeting the guys and alexa and spending a good amount of time with them! this is a filler chapter but please comment and show love 🌹

for better or for worse // mitchel cave (completed)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα