part XXI

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*mitchel's pov*

it was a common thing by now for me to storm into our house. it was expected at this point. my luck has always been kind of shitty though. my vision was blurred, and i couldn't tell if it was from anger or tears.

i truly hoped i wasn't fucking crying. why did she have this kind of impact on me? how could she captivate my emotions so well over my head? back to the aforementioned shitty luck thing, though.

clinton was the first person i saw as i stormed into the house. he was strumming on his guitar, his eyes zeroed in on the instrument as he played with chord progressions.

i stood over him, my fists clenched. "how was it?" i demanded, my eyes glaring down onto his figure. he looked up, confusion in his eyes. i just stared at him, and repeated my question.

"how was it?"

he furrowed his eyebrows up. "how was what?" i looked him dead in the eyes. "sleeping with laralyn."

he widened his eyes and put his guitar to the side. "what are you talking about mitch?" he said, but by the strained tone in his voice, he knew i knew.

"don't play dumb. she told me. well rather, it got spilled during a game of twenty questions and she didn't want to tell me."

he peered up at me. "mitch, why are you mad? i genuinely want to know."

i rolled my eyes and clenched my jaw. "she slept with you! why in the fuck wouldn't i be mad?"

clinton looked at me and shook his head slowly. "i slept with her over two months ago. and in case you pushed this so far back into your dumbass subconscious that you can't remember, but i was with her first. and you're mad about us sleeping together when we were together first. and i should be very mad at you for dating her and sleeping with her, but i realized my mistake and now i support your relationship, as much as i fucking hate it. and by the way you're acting right now, you probably yelled at her and made her feel like shit for something that you shouldn't even be mad about. you say i'm a terrible dick with anger issues, but you're just as bad. now think about my words. i'm leaving." he responded, his voice calm as ever.

he took his guitar and retreated up into his room, leaving me alone and seething. i tried to wrap my mind around what he said. but no one could think about it from my standpoint.

i sat on the couch, exhaling. imagine finding out your girlfriend had slept with your brother. how pissed would that make anyone feel?

"well, if the backstory was the fact that your girlfriend was with your brother first, it shouldn't be that big of a deal. it should actually be kinda expected," came a voice that i instantly recognized as christian.

i looked up. "what?"

"i think you're doing that thing where you're talking out your thoughts but don't realize it. except you normally just do it when you're high. you must be really stressed," he responded.

i nodded my head. "yeah, i am. i don't know what to do."

christian rolled his eyes and sat beside me. "pizza, mint chocolate chip ice cream, a sephora gift card, and the vampire diaries."

"what the hell does any of those things have to do with this?" i questioned, looking at him. christian rolled his eyes once again. "she's your girlfriend yet it seems like you know nothing about her sometimes."

i looked up at the ceiling. "you want me to reward her for fucking clinton?" kras laughed at my words. "dude, are you the worst boyfriend or what? do you not realize how much of a dick you are? you made her feel terrible. she didn't do anything wrong. so what i want you to do, is to apologize. and have it be a genuine apology."

i scoffed. "you know nothing about the situation. you would do the same thing in this instance."

"actually i know a lot about the situation, considering she called me ten minutes after you stormed out and yelled at her. and i eavesdropped on your confrontation with clinton. so please take my advice, since i apparently know your girlfriend better than you."

i sighed and looked down. i took in christian's and clinton's words. i supposed i might've been wrong.

"dude what the fuck? you are wrong." he groaned. i glanced at him. "am i doing that stress talking thing again?"

he nodded. "please mitch. you're the most stubborn person i know, but she doesn't deserve this. i know women. i know lara and i dare say i'm one of her best friends. i see how much she means to you and if you want your relationship to last, you need to do this."

he stood up. "i'm gonna go to alexa's and thank the universe she isn't as dumb and stubborn as your asshole self."

i gave him a look and observed him stride away. as much as i loathed being wrong, i knew i had to accept it this time. i sighed, my head falling into my hands.

as much as it pained me to think that clinton got to know her as intimately as i have, it pained me more to not have her in my life. laralyn really meant more to me than i could ever express.

guess clinton and i did share some characteristics. we both were pretty fucking self involved and didn't know how to treat women apparently.

i peered at the ground again. i didn't know how to feel. i didn't know what to do and i had never honestly had a relationship like this. i guess because there really wasn't a girl like lara.

i didn't know one girl who could grasp my eye, my heart, and my mind like laralyn. so i stood up from the couch, a plan in mind.


hey guys!! i haven't updated in about 5 days but i just had been updating a lot so i wanted to have a little bit of suspense yk so don't hate me! thank you sm for 3k reads btw! it means the most to me and i'm so appreciative!! i would love a comment on how you feel and of course a vote! byee

for better or for worse // mitchel cave (completed)Where stories live. Discover now