Chapter 7

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It was Saturday at 3 o'clock and I was still in my pajamas. I had stayed on my bed all day, watching YouTube and scrolling through my phone. However, I had gotten a large iced coffee from the Black Cauldron (yes, in my pj's).

Wendy had just walked in from a trip to the store and announced to me and Tinkerbell, "Hi, girls! Peter is coming over soon, just to warn you. We're going to watch movies and eat snacks. You can have some, if you'd like."

Tink and I shared a look. I knew she liked Peter still, and that she was jealous of Wendy's and Peter's "perfect" relationship. And, to be honest, I was pretty sure I liked Peter too, having grown up with him for almost my whole life and being extremely close with him. I could tell him almost anything, and he was my best friend next to Wendy. But I would never say anything to her about my fondness towards him. That would ruin everything.

"Okay. Well," Tink said, looking back at Wendy. "I'll just go then. I won't, um, bother you two." She slipped on a pair of white sneakers, rolling up the sleeves of her blue blouse. As she dusted off her leggings, tied her shoes, and grabbed her purse, she asked me, "Would you like to join me, Alice?"

I looked at myself, barefaced and in comfortable clothing and I didn't really want to go out. But, I didn't want to see Wendy and Peter get all lovey-dovey in front of me. Did I really want to change, though? "Nah, it's fine. Thanks. I'll just stay out of your guys' way," I concluded, first to Tink and then to Wendy.

Tink gave me another look, giving me a second chance to escape the syrupy, mushy, cheesy romance about to ensue, but I shrugged her off assuringly. She then disappeared out of the dorm room as Wendy set her bag on the desk.

"Have you stayed in that spot all day?" she asked me.

"No, I went to get coffee," I answered, going back to my device. 

"In your nightwear."


Wendy sighed, chuckling to herself. "Well, Alice will be Alice." She began setting up her and Peter's spot for watching movies, laying multiple blankets and pillows down in front of the TV. She got out the snacks, handing me my favorite sour gummies, and laid them out as well.

Soon enough, there was a knock on the door, and Wendy eagerly opened it to reveal Peter. They grinned at each other and shared a quick kiss, making me feel sick to my stomach. I turned away.

"Hey, Alice," Peter greeted as he walked into the room.

"Hey, Peter," I responded, trying to hide my reddening cheeks.

"Wendy, this looks amazing!" he complimented, his beautiful brown eyes scanning the setup. Wendy giggled.

"Thanks! Shall we start? What movie do you want to watch first?" They sat down, snuggling up next to each other, and I tried not to frown at them. The two began Titanic, and I decided to busy myself with my weekend homework, which I never really did. I kept getting distracted by their soft giggles and spontaneous kisses on the cheek, as well as Peter tickling Wendy to earn playful squeals. Every time they were together, it felt like they were trying to rub their love in my face. 

After the movie, Wendy began scrolling through our Netflix account to find another one. "Have you been inside all day?" Peter asked me through the silence.

"Yes, she has," Wendy told him before I could answer. "She never gets out on the weekends."

"That's not my fault!" I argued, sitting up.

"You could ask people to hang out besides me. People like you, Alice. Or maybe ask a guy out?"

I slumped, my eyes glancing over to Peter. "No, I can't," I murmured.

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