Chapter 12

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After the football game, everything seemed kind of mellow and boring. I was doing regular things with my friends, and trying to keep up with my schoolwork.

We did start Grease rehearsals! They're super fun, and Moana and Ariel are killing it as Rizzo and Sandy, especially with the vocals. Moana is still having trouble being mean to people, though.

Kristoff, Moana, and I have actually been spending a lot more time together than usual. We do everything in drama and rehearsals together (since everyone in drama is required to be in the show, we basically have rehearsals for our period plus more after school), from helping each other with choreography to sneaking out of the theater to get snacks from the vending machine. On Tuesday, we even went to iHop for dinner and to rehearse lines.

Today was Wednesday, and I was bubbly as ever. I skipped into the theater, bustling with people, and went straight for our normal seats in the back. Only Kristoff was there, and my heart fluttered.

"Hey, Kristoff!" I exclaimed, throwing my backpack down and collapsing in a seat.

"Hey," he responded, grinning and looking at me.

My stomach lurched. "Oh! I have" I reached down to the small pocket in my backpack and pulled out two tickets. "Um, yesterday I got two tickets to this art exhibit at the museum, and I was wondering if you wanted to go? With me? I mean, it might be kind of boring, but it's the mummies from Egypt and tickets were on sale, so...Yeah. And maybe we can get dinner or something after?" I could feel my cheeks heating up.

Kristoff's mouth was slightly agape until he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Um, yeah, sure, that'd be...that'd be great! Um...I'll meet you at your dorm? What number?"

"443. Just text me when you're coming down," I told him with a smile on my face, slightly giggling at his nervousness. He nodded and Moana entered, so I cleared my throat and kept my excitement down, waiting to gush to my friends at lunch.

•  •  •

My next period, I had Rapunzel in my class, and I couldn't wait until lunch to tell someone about my bravery. "Punz, Punz, Punz, Punz, Punz!" I whisper-yelled, running over to her in her seat. I dropped my books on the desk and sat down, exhaling.

"What? Is everything okay?" she asked, looking surprised.

"Yes, yes, of course – everything's better than okay! You'll never ever believe what I just did!" I squealed, doing a little dance in my seat.

"What?" she asked, her eyes brimming with anticipation.

"I just asked Kristoff out!" I revealed in a low voice.

Punzie's eyes widened and she gasped. "Oh my gosh! Really? As a date?"

My face fell. "I mean, like, I assume so? I didn't really specify. Oh no, what if he thinks it's just as friends? I don't want it to be just as friends! Was I supposed to specify? The only relationship I've been in is with Hans, and he asked all the dates." I pulled Rapunzel close. "Punz, I really, really like Kristoff. Like, a lot. What if he doesn't?"

"Anna, I'm sure he knows it's a date. I mean, what do you call an outing and dinner just one on one? Plus, you're one of the most obvious people I know, so there's no way he doesn't know you like him. But, be careful Anna. I don't want you getting hurt again."

I nodded, but gave a wistful sigh, thinking about the date ahead until class started.


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