Chapter 14

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The minute I woke up, I was stressed. This has been one of the most stressful weeks I've had in a long time; Kristoff and Anna have been bothering me, we've had a lot of Grease rehearsals, I've had tests in almost all of my classes, we have the slumber party tonight, tomorrow the dance team was going to San Diego for a competition, and in about an hour I had my science presentation.

I got out of bed reluctantly, following Ariel to the showers. After pulling my hair into a braid, I put on some black jeans and a grey collared sweater. I went back to my room to grab my backpack and finish the job of looking presentable, and then Rapunzel went down with me to breakfast since we were the only ones ready.

"So, are you ready for the dance competition?" she asked as she put eggs, fruit, and a muffin onto her plate. I grabbed some sausage, hash browns, toast, and apple juice as I groaned.

"No. I just want this whole week to be over. Plus, I don't think we're ready since Vanessa joined," I replied, finding us a small table. Vanessa had been allowed onto the dance team despite the rules objecting it, and everyone thinks that her mom bribed Principal Mickey to let it slip. She now joined us in practices after school and it was messing us all up.

"I know, right? Why was she even let on the team in the first place?" Rapunzel said, stuffing her face with her blueberry muffin.

I shrugged, watching with narrowed eyes as Vanessa stalked across the room to meet with Eric, who did not look very pleased. We finished our breakfasts and walked over to campus, talking about what we were going to pack for the San Diego trip.

We walked to science together after we stopped at each other's lockers, and I took a deep breath as I joined my group of Vanessa and Ariel. This was going to be interesting.

I sat down, pulling out my index cards for my portion of my presentation. Ariel and I went over a couple of things, until we had a couple of seconds before the bell rang.

"Okay, I think we're all set!" I said to Ariel, glaring at Vanessa who hadn't done any work. She had complained that she was busy, and that she didn't even need to work on the project because her mom would give her an A. So, Ariel and I did the whole thing on our own.

"Can I see your note cards for a second?" Vanessa asked sweetly, smiling and batting her lashes. Her hand was outstretched.

I gave her a wary side eye, drawing the cards closer to me. "Why?" I interrogated suspiciously.

"I just want to make sure we're on the same page," Vanessa explained, holding up her own note cards. How would she have anything on them? She doesn't even know what the project's about.

"Just give them to her, Mo. She'll have us both in detention if we don't," Ariel muttered in my ear, taking my notes and handing them both over to Vanessa, saying, "You promise you'll give them back?"

"Of course, of course. Thanks!" she chirped, smiling slyly and glancing over them. I looked at Ariel but she shrugged in a way that told me not to worry about it.
Ms. Sea cleared her throat. "All right class, I will go by alphabetical order to see which group goes first," she announced, looking on her role sheet. "Ariel's group, go."

My group stood up and walked to the front, where Ariel set up the presentation to project onto the white board. Vanessa still had our note cards that we needed to give the presentation. "Vanessa," I hissed, trying to move closer to the girl who still held our papers. "Give us our notes."

She glanced at me, pursing her lips. "Hmm..." she mused, tapping her long finger to her chin menacingly. "Well, Moana, I actually want to keep these for a while. They're very good notes. Don't worry, I'll take good care of them."

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