Chapter 30

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"Jane!" I shouted, watching as she pushed through the crowd. Not wasting a second, I ran after her, tears pricking my eyes. I can't lose her.

Why would Lottie do that? She's my friend, and she's an even better friend to Jane. How could she do that?

I caught a glimpse of Jane's spotted dog ears flapping toward the front door. I bolted to follow her as she stumbled, crying, onto the lawn. "Aw, honey, what's wrong?" one of the Atlantica sisters asked her with concern.

"Jane!" I yelled, getting nearer to her since she had stopped. She was a sobbing heap, and the sister, who I recognized as Adella rubbed her shoulder soothingly. She was dressed as Britney Spears.

Jane looked up at the sound of my voice, and her makeup was smudged by the flood of tears. My heart shattered as she tore her gaze away from me, burying her head into Adella's arms. "Jane, please," I begged, my voice cracking. "It wasn't me. I...I don't know what happened, Lottie just...grabbed me. I swear, Jane, I tried to get away. She wouldn't let go."

Jane barely acknowledged my words, and continued crying, though it has lightened up a bit. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Jane," I said meagerly, my voice quiet and broken, "please."

There was no reply, as Jane sobbed quietly into her friend's shoulder as she pet her hair. Adella looked up at me with angry eyes. "I think you'd better go, Tarzan."

"No, I -" I began, wanting to stay with Jane.

"Tarzan," Adella said sternly, holding Jane tighter.

I held my tongue as tears silently fell down my cheeks. Watching Jane cry and refuse to look at me broke my heart, and I turned before I couldn't stand any longer. I walked away from the mansion, turning back to look at Jane one more time.

I shrugged on a jacket, cursing myself that I didn't give it to her. As I walked along the sidewalk, wiping away tears, I heard soft muttering and clacking heels. I looked up and saw two girls ahead of me, one in all black with her arm around the blonde. Lottie.

"Charlotte!" I called, running to catch up with them. She turned around, her makeup smudged too. I didn't recognize the girl next to her. She was dressed as a bat.

"Tarzan! Oh, I'm so glad to see you -"

"What was that?" I interrupted loudly, pointing back in the direction of the house.

She stumbled toward me desperately, putting her hands on my biceps. "Listen, Tarzan, I can explain everythin'."

I pushed her hands off my arms, trying not to bare my teeth. "Yeah, you'd better."

She looked hurt. "It is all Vanessa. Earlier, I kind of went off on her. She said some, really, really nasty stuff. And I got really angry and then she wanted me to pay for it. So she told me to kiss you in front of Jane. She gave me a pill to drug you, but I was definitely not going to do that. But I saw her watchin' me, and I knew she would hurt you even worse, so I had to kiss you. I am so so sorry, Tarzan. I never wanted to hurt you, at all. That was never my intention. I am so so sorry, I hope I can make it up to you. I will tell Jane, and explain everythin' to her as well."

I stood still for a while, contemplating what I had just heard. "Everything...was for Vanessa?" I asked, looking at the girl with her, who had effectively shrunken herself into the back of the conversation.

Lottie nodded earnestly. "Yes."

"Then why do you stay? I mean, I know it's for the good of the school, but if it hurts us too, then why stay?" I asked, trying to help and trying to calm down from my anger.

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